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Jon Bentley
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Jon Bentley
Jon Bentley (computer scientist) is author of the popular series Programming Pearls and the book Writing Efficient Programs.

2. Programming books
Book: Writing efficient programs Book: Prlogamming pearls Book: More programming pearls

A popular applied computer science series of books by Jon Bentley was called "Programming pearls" in the 1980's. He did a long-time column for the ACM (Association of Computing Machinery) called "Programming pearls".

3. Code improvement
Programmers are usually notoriously bad at guessing which parts of the code are the primary consumers of the resources. It is all too common for a programmer to modify a piece of code expecting to see a huge time savings and then find that it makes no difference at all because the code was rarely executed. Bentley, J. (1982). Writing efficient programs. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall., p. 32.

Bentley is author of the popular series Programming Pearls and the book Writing Efficient Programs.

4. Still standing today
Completed in 1883 and built under the direction of James Roebling (chief engineer for the Brooklyn Bridge) , the Brooklyn Bridge, also a suspension bridge, is still standing today. Why?

As Jon Bentley (computer scientist) explains, "Roebling had sense enough to know what he didn't know." He designed the bridge to carry a load six times what current engineering technology dictated. Bentley, J. (1986). Programming pearls. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley., 63-64.

by RS : 1024 x 640