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Nitrogen and soap
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Nitrogen and soap
NitrogenThe atomic element 7 is nitrogen which has an interesting etymology.

2. Jeremiah 2:22
KJV: For though thou wash thee with nitre, and take thee much soap, yet thine iniquity is marked before me, saith the Lord GOD.
Hebrew: כי אם תכבסי בנתר ותרבי לך ברית נכתם עונך לפני נאם אדני יהוה׃
Greek: εαν αποπλυνη εν νιτρω και πληθυνης σεαυτη ποαν κεκηλιδωσαι εν ταις αδικιαις σου εναντιον εμου λεγει κυριος
Latin: si laveris te nitro et multiplicaveris tibi herbam borith maculata es in iniquitate tua coram me dicit Dominus Deus
Luther: Und wenn du dich gleich mit Lauge wüschest und nähmest viel Seife dazu, so gleißt doch deine Untugend desto mehr vor mir, spricht der Herr Herr.

3. Hebrew
The Hebrew word "בנתר" (ban-ne-ter) ≈ "with lye" and is from the Egyptian. בנתר - with lye

4. Greek
The modern Greek word "νίτρον" (NEE-tron) ≈ "lye, sodium carbonate" is from the Hebrew word (above) and led to words such as "nitre" and "nitrogen".

5. Nitrogen poisoning
Breathing nothing but nitrogen causes painless asphyxiation and death. Pure nitrogen is often tainted with something that gives it a distinct smell.

It is carbon dioxide that signals to the body that it needs air. Pure nitrogen has no carbon dioxide so there is no signal that one needs air.

6. Exercise
A common complaint when exercising is that one cannot "get enough oxygen". In most cases, the problem is not getting enough oxygen but getting rid of carbon dioxide.

A common solution, in strenuous exercise such as distance running, is deep breathing (also called belly breathing) so that one gets as much carbon dioxide out as possible before bringing in air with needed oxygen.

7. Lavoisier
Lavoisier suggested the French word "azote""nitrogen" from the modern Greek word "αζωτικός" (a-zo-tee-KOS) ≈ "nitrogen" which literally means "no life" as nitrogen, by itself, causes nitrogen poisoning. This French word was adopted as the Russian word "азот" (a-zot) ≈ "nitrogen" and as the modern Greek word "αζωτό" (a-zo-TO) ≈ "nitrogen". Both languages, as did many others, were influenced in modern times by the French language.

8. Soap
The word translated as "soap" in the KJV (King James Version) has another interesting verse reference, and the following related verse.

9. Malachi 3:2
   Malachi 3:2 
KJV: But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap:
Hebrew: ומי מכלכל את יום בואו ומי העמד בהראותו כי הוא כאש מצרף וכברית מכבסים׃
Greek: και τις υπομενει ημεραν εισοδου αυτου η τις υποστησεται εν τη οπτασια αυτου διοτι αυτος εισπορευεται ως πυρ χωνευτηριου και ως ποα πλυνοντων
Latin: et quis poterit cogitare diem adventus eius et quis stabit ad videndum eum ipse enim quasi ignis conflans et quasi herba fullonum
Wycliffe: and who schal mowe thenke the dai of his comyng? and who schal stonde for to se hym? For he schal be as fier wellynge togidere, and as erbe of fulleris;
Luther: Wer wird aber den Tag seiner Zukunft erleiden mögen, und wer wird bestehen, wenn er wird erscheinen? Denn er ist wie das Feuer eines Goldschmieds und wie die Seife der Wäscher.

10. Malachi 3:3
   Malachi 3:3 
KJV: And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness.
Hebrew: וישב מצרף ומטהר כסף וטהר את בני לוי וזקק אתם כזהב וככסף והיו ליהוה מגישי מנחה בצדקה׃
Greek: και καθιειται χωνευων και καθαριζων ως το αργυριον και ως το χρυσιον και καθαρισει τους υιους λευι και χεει αυτους ως το χρυσιον και ως το αργυριον και εσονται τω κυριω προσαγοντες θυσιαν εν δικαιοσυνη

11. Hebrew
The Hebrew word "וכברים" (u-ke-bo-rit) ≈ "and like soap" . וכברים - and like soapThe Hebrew word "בורת" (bo-rit) ≈ "soap". בורת - soap
This word appears to be related to the English word "borax" which comes through the Arabic "بَوْرَق" (bawraq).

12. Boric acid
Boric acid is Na2B4O7.

13. German
The German word "die Seife""the soap" which is related to the English "soap" ("f" to "p" via Grimm's Law).

The Latin word "sapo""soap" is a borrowed word from Germanic.

14. Herbs
The Middle English word "erbe""herb" ("h" added later) is the source of the English word "herb" and is from the Latin word "herba""grass, herb".

15. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640