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Cherry-picked verses
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Cherry-picked verses
Cherry pick 2In Biblical issues, the primary way for someone to deceive is to "cherry-pick" verses out of context and piece them together to support the desired point of view - which is often not the view of God as expressed by scripture.

Be aware of verses skipped, verses "cherry-picked" from various contexts that may be out of context, etc. When Satan tempts Jesus, Satan uses scripture out of context. Jesus answers and refutes Satan with scripture in context.

The use of "cherry-picked" is sometimes called "suppressed evidence" or "incomplete evidence". Whatever it is called, it encourages what is called "confirmation bias" and, as a result, a "faulty generalization" or "hasty generalization".
Information sign More: Confirmation bias

2. Cherry picking
Cherry pick 2The phrase "cherry picking" is used when facts (e.g., verses) that match the idea that one wants to convey are used (out of context) and other ideas (e.g., verses) omitted to "deceive" listeners to believing what the speaker (the "deceiver") wants them to believe (is true in reality).
Information sign More: Matthew 4:1-11, 6:13: Examining evil temptations
Here are some cherry-picked verses with links for more information.

3. Some favorite cherries
... more to be added ...

4. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640