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Inside security threats
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Inside security threats
It is often said that 80% of security problems come from inside and not outside the organization.

A malicious insider is someone inside the company who is a non-cooperating user. This type of user is very dangerous because the entire system depends on cooperating users inside the system.

2. Inside security threats
Here are some examples of inside security threats.

3. Malicious insiders
Most security: Do they check the walk-ons and/or walk-offs?

4. Terrorist organizations
Terrorist organizations try to get malicious insiders to get around security safeguards.

This is especially a problem with attackers who are not "rational" (i.e., do not care if they are killed).

How do keep long-term insiders trying to break security from doing so?

You might do this by randomly assign flights to workers on short-term notice.

Example: Guards walking random tours.

5. Organized crime
Organized crime is crime that is organized by groups to circumvent the legal processes of a country.

In many countries, the government is part of organized crime.

6. Police
Police, or other law enforcement agencies, are supposed to "follow the rules".

Problems arise when these organizations do not "follow the rules".

7. One way security
Most security systems let you go from inside to outside easier than you can go outside to inside.

8. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640