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Boy Scout camp
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Boy Scout camp
Summer is time for Boy Scout camp (and other camps and trips).

Leaving for Camp Mack, Aug 4-10, 1974

2. Trip to Washington, DC

Boy Scout Trip to Washington, DC Oct 12,13, 1974.

3. Leaving for Camp J. Edward Mack

Troop 36 going to Camp Mack, 1972.

4. Leaving for Camp J. Edward Mack

Troop 36 going to Camp Mack, Aug 3-9,1975.

5. Leaving for Camp J. Edward Mack

Leaving for Camp J. Edward Mack, July 25-31, 1776.

6. Eagle Scout award


7. Eagle Scout award


8. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640