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by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Informatics
Informatics is concerned with information, computation, etc. Computer/Information science can be thought of as the search for finite representations of (potentially) infinite objects. My dissertation area in computer science is applied programming language theory. To me, that involves two primary concepts. Here is some more content.

2. Problem solving and reasoning

3. Self reference

4. Computational linguistics
Natural language processing is part of computational linguistics.

5. Algorithms and data structures

6. Cognition

7. Logic and reason
(human reasoning, humans making decisions)

8. Security
Combination LockInteresting security topics including the following. Hint: My password is the last 8 digits of pi (π). Aside: I had to add "Pi!" at the end to satisfy IT's password strength requirement.

9. Statistics
Under statistics, the following topics are included. Here are some links to content on this site.

10. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640