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Lasers and holograms
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Lasers and holograms

2. Lasers and holograms
The Greek word for "all" or "whole" is the first part of "hologram", coined by Dennis Gabor in 1948 (Nobel prize in 1971 for his work on holography). The word LASER (Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation) is an acronym, often written as "laser".

3. Acronyms
Note: The denotational definition of an "acronym" requires the acronym to be pronounceable as a word. So, FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) is not an acronym since no pronounceable word is formed by the letters. Instead, it is an "initialism". In general usage, such letters are often called acronyms, with the letters pronounced individually.

Another acronym is RADAR (RAdio Detection and Ranging), where the first two letters of "RAdio" are used to create the acronym. The German acronym FLAK (Fliegerabwehrkanone) (also "Flugabwehrkanone") comes from the German words "Flieger" (flying), "Abwehr", (defense) and "Kanone" (canon).

Laser warning
For related content in the field of lasers and holography, see the site at

The vision of this site is "Proclaiming Jesus Christ through Christian Visual Arts, Science and Communication Technologies: Past. Present. Future".

The web site is created and maintained by Frank DeFreitas who has spent most of his life working in the field of laser technology.

5. Laser light
Laser light can be damaging to the eye, but can also be used to illuminate holograms. Laser SignA hologram looks like an ordinary material under normal light. When exposed to special laser light in a certain way, the hologram shows three dimensional details of the underlying image.

If the laser has a lot of power, it can be damaging to the material exposed to the laser light.

6. John 3:19
Jesus is the light of the world. A few verses after John 3:16, Jesus says the following.
   John 3:19 
KJV: And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
Greek: αυτη δε εστιν η κρισις οτι το φως εληλυθεν εις τον κοσμον και ηγαπησαν οι ανθρωποι μαλλον το σκοτος η το φως ην γαρ πονηρα αυτων πονηρα τα εργα
Latin: hoc est autem iudicium quia lux venit in mundum et dilexerunt homines magis tenebras quam lucem erant enim eorum mala opera

7. John 3:20
The light of Jesus may feel damaging to some, but can be used to illuminate our life for Him.
   John 3:20 
KJV: For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
Greek: πας γαρ ο φαυλα πρασσων μισει το φως και ουκ ερχεται προς το φως ινα μη ελεγχθη τα εργα αυτου
Latin: omnis enim qui mala agit odit lucem et non venit ad lucem ut non arguantur opera eius
Wycliffe: For ech man that doith yuele, hatith the liyt; and he cometh not to the liyt, that hise werkis be not repreued.
Tyndale: For every man that evyll doeth hateth the light: nether commeth to light lest his dedes shuld be reproved.
Luther: Wer Arges tut, der hasset das Licht und kommt nicht an das Licht, auf daß seine Werke nicht gestraft werden.
Slavonic: Всяк бо делаяй злая ненавидит света и не приходит к свету, да не обличатся дела его, яко лукава суть:
Russian: ибо всякий, делающий злое, ненавидит свет и не идет к свету, чтобы не обличились дела его, потому что они злы,

8. John 3:21
The light of truth can illuminate and make manifest the true believers.
   John 3:21 
KJV: But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
Greek: ο δε ποιων την αληθειαν ερχεται προς το φως ινα φανερωθη αυτου τα εργα οτι εν θεω εστιν ειργασμενα
Latin: qui autem facit veritatem venit ad lucem ut manifestentur eius opera quia in Deo sunt facta
Luther: Wer aber die Wahrheit tut, der kommt an das Licht, daß seine Werke offenbar werden; denn sie sind in Gott getan.
Slavonic: творяй же истину грядет к свету, да явятся дела его, яко о Бозе суть соделана.
Russian: а поступающий по правде идет к свету, дабы явны были дела его, потому что они в Боге соделаны.

9. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640