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Back to school
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Back to school
Elizabethtown: The first three centuries Elizabethtown: Images of America

Many people remember going to school for the first time and then going back at the start of each school year at the end of the summer.

Some references on the history of Elizabethtown.

2. East High Street

When was the new Elizabethtown High School on East High Street opened

3. West High Street

When was the Elizabethtown High School on West High Street re-opened?

4. Fire
When was the Elizabethtown High School on West High Street destroyed by fire?

5. High School in 1908

6. Public school

When was the Public School for grades 1 to 12 next to the Peach Alley public school built?

7. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640