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Photos for 2024-07-07
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Kids time about 2002
Kids time about 2002

2. Kids time about 2002
Kids time about 2002

3. Kids time about 2002
Kids time about 2002

4. Flower group 2002
Flower group 2002

5. Coat closet about 2002
Coat closet

6. Month of July
To honor Julius Caesar (100-44 BC), the month of "Quintilis" was named July in honor of him.
A legend created in the 13th century A.D. is that one day was taken to add to July to honor Julius Caesar, and one day was then taken to add to August to honor Augustus Caesar.

"Dog days" begin in early July.

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7. Liberty Bell in Elizabethtown
July 4, 1915 was 139 years after July 4, 1776.

In 1915, 500,000 schoolchildren signed a petition asking the city of Philadelphia to send the Liberty Bell to the Panama-Pacific International Exposition of San Francisco.
During World War I, the Liberty Bell made a trip from Philadelphia by railroad, including the train station outside Elizabethtown, PA. It reached the west coast and then returned to Philadelphia where it has been ever since.

It was the Liberty Bell's last trip outside Philadelphia. Jacob N. Olweiler arranged for the Bell to stop in Elizabethtown.

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8. Elizabethtown train station on July 4, 1915
A photo of the event is in local history books and in a local restaurant.

Written in lower left: July 4, 1915, photo by S. G. Bishop (died in 1930). His son Vere Bishop (EAHS class of 1938, retired 1990 after 81 years) took over the photo studio (established in 1909), went to SP-UM church.

Information sign More: Liberty Bell in Elizabethtown

9. Touching moment at the Liberty Bell
Many soldiers and sailors (and others) marched by the Moose store building, then the "Franklin Store", on Saturday, August 17, 1947 for the World War II Victory Parade in Elizabethtown, PA.

A little girl, who would march in that parade years later, got to touch the Liberty Bell - guard said it was ok, lifting her up. It was at closing time, almost no one there.

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10. July 4, 1863 Gettysburg

July 4, 1863 was 87 years after July 4, 1776.

This was a day after the end of the Battle of Gettysburg in the American Civil War, with Confederate general Robert E. Lee withdrawing from Gettysburg after the battle.

The climax of the battle was the day before on July 3 with the charge of Pickett, called Pickett's charge.

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11. July 4, 1976 : Bicentennial

July 4, 1976 was 200 years after July 4, 1776. This was the bicentennial. For me (and many of you):

Information sign More: July 4: back in time

12. But wait, there's more
As seen on TV
Could you provide some Bible references for that? What did Jesus say?

13. All you need is LoVE TV
All you need is LoVE-TV
Could you provide some Bible references for that? What did Jesus say?

14. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640