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Church picnics
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. 50 year members in 2019
50 year members dinner in 2019

November 11, 2019.

2. Church picnics

At one time, the church picnics were at the Elizabethtown Park. Afterwards, some would go over to the ball field to play softball. The smaller children would have games in the pavilion, near the creek, etc.

3. Park closeup

4. Church picnic
This photo appears to be from a picnic at the town park between the years 1995 and 2005. Location is the town park. See the building behind at top of a small hill. The grass and creek is behind the person taking the photo.

5. Sunday School and church

Here is a Sunday School from the late 1970's. Do they look interested in what is going on? Notice the stage in the background and the shuffleboard markings on the floor.

6. Sam Lewis Park
St. Paul's to Sam Lewis State Park Sam Lewis State Park

Today, the trip from St. Paul's to Sam Lewis State Park takes about 30 minutes.

7. Picnic at Sam Lewis Park
Sam Lewis Park,
August 1970.

8. Church
Compass plus 40 Map: St. Paul's United Methodist Church Roman numeral clock

9. Church picnics

10. Closeup

11. Cub Scout circus at Rheems
Cub Scout Circus at Rheems, Cub Scout Circus at Rheems,

Cub Scout Circus at Rheems. April 1970.

12. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640