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Confirmation class about 1976
1. Confirmation class about 1976

I found two confirmation class photos that both say 1977. It is unclear what the exact year is.
Rev. Frank Nickel (left, 1976-1993)
Rev. Larry Leister (?)(right, 1972-1975)
Rev. Paul Shumate (?)(right, 1975-1977)
Bounds intersection appears to be 1976.
2. Slide negative version
This is a black and white slide negative version of the above color photo. Note that the facial expressions are slightly different for some in the photo, so it is not the exact same photo.
3. Confirmation class about 1977 : 1/3
4. Confirmation class about 1977 : 2/3
5. Confirmation class about 1977 : 3/3
6. End of page