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Photos for 2023-10-08
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Photos for 2023-10-08
Children's Sunday School 1965?,

This photo is of a children's Sunday School from about 1965. The Christmas tree makes about December. Notice the hats and clothing styles.

2. Mr. and Mrs. Snavely
Mr. and Mrs. Snavely

Does anyone remember Mr. and Mrs. Snavely from about February 1964.

3. Rev. Paul Fridinger
Rev. Paul Fridinger

Does anyone remember Rev. Paul Fridinger from about 1949-1953.

This was the EB (Evangelical Brethren) church before it become the EUB (Evangelical United Brethren) and then the UM (United Methodist) church in 1968.

4. Kids choir about 1955
Kids choir in 1955 Does anyone recognize anyone from the kids choir about 1955?

The organist is Edith Herr.

5. Singing

6. Mural
Mural in Elizabethtown

Does anyone know about this mural in Elizabethtown?

7. Same church

Wilbur Jackson "Jack" Myers, Anti-Tank Gunner, 104th ID, World War II.

Same United Methodist church for 99+ years.

8. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640