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Music group - October 7, 2001
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Music group - October 7, 2001
Music group - October 7, 2001This photo was labeled as "staff org" and dated October 7, 2001. It is a music group for the contemporary service.

2. Music group - October 7, 2001 : 1/4
Music group - October 7, 2001 : 1/4

3. Music group - October 7, 2001 : 2/4
Music group - October 7, 2001 : 2/4

4. Music group - October 7, 2001 : 3/4
Music group - October 7, 2001 : 3/4

5. Music group - October 7, 2001 : 4/4
Music group - October 7, 2001 : 4/4

6. On contemporary stage
On stage

7. Sanctuary band 2002
Music 2002,

8. Lions Club
Elizabethtown Lions Club
Lions Club Mission: Locally, nationally and internationally, the Lions are an advocate for the Blind and Vision Impaired, and the Disabled. We also strive to strengthen our community through teamwork, partnership, and fellowship. (as of 2023-11-18)
Tables with banners Tables with banners
The Lions Club Military Banners program displays banners of veterans around town. Families have the chance to have their photo taken with their veteran's banner.

9. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640