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by RS : 1024 x 640

1. China

2. Medal of Honor
Medal of Honor Second Lieutenant Robert Dale Reem

U.S.M.C., Co. H., 3rd. Bn. 1st Marine Div. (Reinforced),

Vicinity Chinhung-Ni, Korea

6 November 1950
Robert Reem
Medal of Honor Sergeant William David Port

U.S.A., Co. C. 5th. Bn., 1st Air Cav. Div. - Que Son Alley,

Heip Duc Province, Republic of Vietnam

12 January 1968
William David Port

3. Medal of honor banners
The Medal of Honor banners, with the help of the Lions Club, are at the Veteran's Memorial in Elizabethtown park.

Medal of Honor banners Medal of Honor banners

In Memoriam MarkerElizabethtown "In Memoriam Marker". Inscription: "This tablet is erected in memory of two citizens of Elizabethtown who were posthumously awarded our nations highest military award, the Congressional Medal of Honor for conspicuous gallantry & intrepidity in action at the risk of their lives above & beyond the call of duty."

Information sign More: November 11: Veterans Day

4. Vietnam location map

5. Vietnam map

6. Vietnam travel map

7. Vietnam climate map

8. Vietnam geography map

9. Hello in Vietnamese

10. Vietnamese language
The official language of Vietnam is Vietnamese. English is the preferred second language.
About half the population speaks English to some extent. Vietnamese:

11. Presentation

12. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640