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Algorithmic Information Theory
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Algorithmic Information Theory
The foundations of AIT (Algorithmic Information Theory) are from Chaitin and Kolmogorov and have to do with the relationship between information and randomness.

2. Computer science
Computer science is the search for finite representations of (potentially) infinite objects. Taken to the extreme: AIG - Algorithmic Information Theory (Chaitin, Kolmogorov, etc.).

3. Gregory Chaitin
Information theorist Gregory Chaitin (determining randomness) showed that there is no algorithm for determining whether a sequence of symbols is random. One must be informed of this. That is, one must go outside the system.

This forms the basis of AIT as in the smallest program that can output a given output.

4. Kolmogorov
Most of Chaitin's ideas on AIT were already known and published by Andrey Kolmogorov (Soviet mathematician) (Андре́й Колмого́ров) whose groundbreaking work in information theory was in Russian and, at the time, not widely published outside the U.S.S.R.

Even work that was published outside of the U.S.S.R. underwent censorship which obscured some of the meaning of the work.

5. Meta-mathematics
The book "Meta math!" by Gregory Chaitin has a good historical background of computability as will as his own basis for algorithmic information theory - the connection of randomness and information and computability and non-computability.

Book: Exploring Randomness book coverChaitin uses LISP, a simple programming language based on the lambda calculus, for experimenting with and defining the size of information algorithmically.

7. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640