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Fixed point combinator
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Fixed point combinator

2. Fixed point puzzle
Consider the following puzzle (origin unknown, found Summer 1991) consisting of a self-referential sentence.
In this sentence, the number of occurrences of 0 is ________, of 1 is ________, of 2 is ________, of 3 is ________, of 4 is ________, of 5 is ________, of 6 is ________, of 7 is ________, of 8 is ________, and of 9 is ________.

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate numbers so that the sentence is true.

3. Document fixed point
Whenever you write a paper, you are trying to achieve a fixed point in paper writing space. That is, you want to write a paper such that when you proof the entire paper, there are not changes to be made.

You paper is done either,

4. Alonzo Church: Lambda calculus
Alonzo Church (1903-1995) was an American logician who invented the lambda calculus. Alan Turing (1912-1954) developed the ideas that proved the limits of computing before the first programmable digital computer was built.

The Church-Turing hypothesis forms the basis of the limits of computation.
Both systems can compute the same functions (and have the same limitations).

Information sign More: Alan Turing: halting problem

5. Lambda calculus
The lambda calculus is a very simple functional language. An expression E is one of the following. The purpose of a simple language like lambda calculus is that properties of programming languages need only be proved for a few constructs. Such a proof is called a structural induction proof.

The core text formatting part of a more general text formatting system is typically a functional string-rewriting system with abstraction mechanisms to manage redundancy.

6. Combinators
A combinators is a λ expressions with no free variables. Three combinators (S, K and I.) are sufficient, though not efficient, to express the computation of all computable functions.

Combinators and reduction rules
S apply K select I identity notation
S x y z → (x z) (y z) K x y → x I x → x arrow (to/towards)
S = λ x y z . ((x z)(y z)) K = λ x y . x I = λ x . x lambda form
S = (λ x.(λ y.(λ z .(x z)(y z)))) K = (λ x. (λ y. x)) I = (λ x. x) parenthesized

7. Fixed point combinator
Book: introduction to combinators and lambda calculus
A fixed point is a x for function f (taking parameter x) such that f(x) = x.

Book: Introduction to combinators and lambda calculus. J. R. Hindley, J F Seldin. 978-0521318396.
A fixed point combinator, usually called Y (in lambda calculus, originally by Curry), is a higher order function that takes a function as an argument and returns a fixed point for the argument (if it exists). A combinator is a closed lambda expression in that it has no free variables. In lambda calculus terms, the fixed point combinator can be defined as follows. If such a fixed point exists, then A text formatting system that can format itself can model this behavior (to any limit desired).

8. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640