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Graphs and graph theory
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Charts and graphs
Abraham and Sarah bar chart Undirected graph

Some people confuse charts which are graphical depictions of data and data relationships with graphs which are a set of nodes and edges connecting nodes.

2. Graphs and graph theory
Undirected graph Directed graph Tree graph

Graph theory is a mathematical and computer science area that has to do with the properties and algorithms for processing a graph of nodes (or vertices) and edges (or arcs) connecting those nodes (vertices).

The size and importance of nodes and edges may or may not be displayed in a diagram of the graph because nodes can be placed anywhere. It is the type of node and the relationships between nodes that is important.
Computer trees and graphs are collections of nodes (vertices) and edges (arcs) connecting those nodes.

Mathematicians often call nodes vertices and edges arcs.
Computer scientists often like when names (as in variables) have the same number of letters. The words "node" and "edge" each have four letters. And the letter "v" is often used for "variables" so it is already taken as an abbreviation.

3. Facebook graph
The Facebook graph is a data structure of users and who they know, are friends with, etc.
The Facebook graph is huge, with hundreds of millions of nodes (people, groups, organizations, etc.) and billions of edges connecting those nodes.

4. Undirected edge
Undirected edgeAn undirected edge (arc) connects two nodes (vertices) without a direction on the edge (arc).
In the Facebook graph, the "friend" relation goes both ways. Both sides need to agree or accept that relation. It is an undirected edge in the Facebook graph.

5. Directed edge
Directed edgeA directed edge (arc) connects two nodes (vertices) with a direction on the edge (arc).
In the Facebook graph, a "like" is a relation that goes one way. It is a directed edge. What is "liked" does not have to return the "like".

6. Undirected graphs
Undirected graphAn undirected graph has no direction on each edge.

7. Directed graph
Directed graphA directed graph has a direction on each edge. A DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) is a directed graph which has no cycles.

8. Tree structures
Tree graphA connected graph with no cycles (directed or undirected) can always be represented as a tree structure. In such cases, one node can be designated as the root node. All other nodes with only one edge connection are leaf nodes.

9. Comparison and cross edges
Undirected graph Directed graph Tree graph

Note that cross-edges in what looks like a tree is what is called a DAG.

A common type of DAG structure would be your family tree.

What you might think of as a tree going back in time is actually a DAG since, at some point, some of your ancestors would be the same person. This may be easier to visualize from the other end where, at some point, some descendant of an earlier ancestor would marry and have children to another descendant of an earlier ancestor.

10. Family trees

 1   2   3   4   +   -   ▶ 
A tree is a connected graph with no cycles.

Each level of a tree increases the number of nodes in the tree.
There are more and more ancestors in the family tree as one goes back in time. How then does one go back to just two people (i.e., Adam and Eve) at the start?

11. A family tree is not a tree

 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   +   -   ▶ 
The population doubles at each generation. That is, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc. This is a geometric increase.
In computer science terms, the family tree is not a (pure) tree structure. A tree is a connected graph with no cycles. The family tree structure is what is called a DAG. The corresponding unconnected graph has cycles.

12. A family tree is not a tree
Simple (degenerate) view (where siblings marry siblings): Note: ... more to be added ...

13. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640