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Program facing aspects
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Program facing aspects
Two aspects of programs that follow from specifications are the following.

2. Customer facing output
Functional requirement: Customer-facing output is to be "Hello. How is you today.".

Nonfunctional requirement: Use the Go (or golang) programming language.

3. Code example
Here is a code example in Go.
If you change the output text in any way, you lose points.

The customer specifies the customer-facing requirements.

The company (teacher) will specify the programmer-facing requirements.

The only way to determine if the code has an error is to compare it to a specification.

4. Errors and changes
Observed and desired behaviorThe definition of an error and a desired change is very similar.
Both an error and a change are a difference between the observed behavior and the expected or desired behavior.

To identify an error requires a specification and one should not use the operational code (in programming, or reality in general) as a specification.

Information sign More: Errors and changes

5. Fallacy
Programming fallacyFallacy: The programmer is allowed to change the customer-facing specifications when they think it will make a better program.
The customer gets what they requested and approved. In real situations, one goes to the manager, the manager goes to the client, and a change to the specification is worked out.

6. Customer facing
In a beginning programming course, the customer-facing parts of the program are the input and output statements.

7. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640