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Truth types: logic, reality, opinion
1. Truth types: logic, reality, opinion
This page was combined from several related pages and needs reorganized.
2. Truth types

What does it mean to say that something is "
3. Truth
What does it mean to say "The Bible is true"?
What is truth?
4. Miller's Law
Miller's Law (from the theory of communication): "
To understand what someone is saying, you must first assume that it is true, and then determine what it is true of.". (George Miller)
This is the same Miller who made the observation that the number of things an average person can hold in working memory is about seven (plus or minus two).
So when a person says something that seems odd or wrong to you, do not jump to conclusions but start from the position that it makes sense and is right for them, and then talk to them in ways that will similarly make sense to them and help you make more sense of what they say. (from
5. Truth types: logic, reality, opinion

The word "
truth" has a wide range of meanings. For the present purposes, the following are considered levels of truth.
Logical truth: abstract symbol manipulation
Reality truth: traditional science from facts and models
Human truth: opinions and everything else
These areas can overlap but the distinction is, nonetheless, useful. Human opinion truth may or may not be connected to reality truth and/or logical truth.
6. Statistical truth

There are three levels of statistical truth used to determine probabilities.
Logical/Classical: (approximates, but does not exist in, the real world)
Empirical: past history, based on experience.
Subjective: human opinion
Example: Football game outcome
7. Accounting truth
Financial accounting
Managerial accounting
Other accounting methods (including no accounting)
8. Bible truth
Holy Spirit (Ghost/Guest)
9. Way Truth Life
10. Love Hope Faith
11. Truth types: logic, reality, opinion

The word "
truth" has a wide range of meanings. For the present purposes, the following are considered levels of truth.
Logical truth: abstract symbol manipulation
Reality truth: traditional science from facts and models
Human truth: opinions and everything else
These areas can overlap but the distinction is, nonetheless, useful. Human opinion truth may or may not be connected to reality truth and/or logical truth.
12. Aristotle: How people learn
English: Thus, some people do not listen to a speaker unless he speaks mathematically, others unless he gives instances, while others expect him to cite a poet as witness.
Greek: … οἱ μὲν οὖν ἐὰν μὴ μαθηματικῶς λέγῃ τις οὐκ ἀποδέχονται τῶν λεγόντων, οἱ δ᾿ ἃν μὴ παραδειγματικῶς, οἱ δὲ μάρτυρα ἀξιοῦσιν ἐπάγεσθαι ποιητή… Aristotle: Metaphysics.
This statement by Aristotle follows the three general types of truth.
logic : mathematically using precise logic and meticulous detail (deductive top-down)
reality : scientific real world examples/instances (empirical bottom-up)
opinion : witness of others (sports heroes, actors, politicians, pastors, etc.)
[logic: six pack; reality: 12 oz. each; opinion: tastes great, less filling]
The Greek and Hebrew words for
"truth" are that of
"reality" and
not "logic" or
13. Actors and pastors
It can be a mixed blessing to have a pastor with an acting background.
Actors speak of things imaginary as if they were real, while you preachers too often speak of things real as if they were imaginary. Thomas Betterton (English actor and theater manager during Restoration England) (1635-1710)
Actors (tend to) take an imaginary world and make it seem real.
Pastors (tend to) take a real world and make it seem imaginary.
With a pastor with an acting background, it can be hard at times to separate reality from fiction.
14. A digital world
We live in a digital world of
0 and
no and
off and
on, quantum mechanics, etc.: ways of representing "
information" (and "
15. Truth pyramid
Computer science involve a lot of logical truth (symbol manipulation, theory matters)
Software engineering involves a lot of reality truth (practical matters)
Data science involves a lot of reality truth.
16. Logical truth

Logical truth involves mathematical and computer/information logic using two discrete logic values (e.g.,
true and
1 and
0) and symbol manipulation using rules to determine which claims are "
true" or "
Computer logic and programming involves logical truth.
Hilbert and his problems and the separation of math with reality and philosophy.
Note that generalizations of logical truth can involve paradoxes, incompleteness, undecidability, etc.
17. Reality truth

Reality truth involves what exactly is real, or reality. Reality truth involves probability, statistics, approximations, unknowns, etc. The traditional scientific method involves reality truth. So does, to some extent, the traditional legal process.
software engineering
data science
18. Human truth
For lack of a better term, everything other than logical truth and statistical truth is lumped together as human truth.
Human truth can be whatever one or more humans decide it is. Thus, there are no precise rules for defining human truth other than it is not necessarily logical truth or statistical truth.
Examples: (from programming)
Best way to indent using curly braces.
Best programming language.
Best operating system - Linux, Windows, Apple, Android,
19. Illusion

Which side is longer? (top-bottom or left-right)
20. The legal truth table
Logic: If the law (human opinion) is on your side, pound the law. (letter of the law)
Reality: If the facts (reality, nature) are on your side, pound the facts. (spirit of the law)
Opinion: If neither is on your side, pound the table.

Now go back and look at the previous image, repeated here, and see how this table influences how you look at the previous image.
21. Truth in statistics

The field of statistics is related to information and has all three levels.
Classical statistics: idealized dice rolls, etc.
Empirical statistics: based on historical reality
Subjective statistics: based on anecdotal opinion
Example: Predicting winner of a (football) game.
22. Truth in accounting

The field of accounting has all three levels of truth.
23. Truth in music

The field of music has all three levels of truth.
24. Truth in law

The field of law (US) has all three levels of truth.
Note that in the United States, law is more about following rules (e.g., rules of evidence, legal rules, guilty or not guilty, etc.) than it is about determining reality truth (did the person actually commit the crime).
25. Truth

People are at the human/opinion level and, to some extent, use logic truth and/or reality truth.
Many people have difficulty distinguishing between opinion based in reality and/or logic and opinion not based on reality and/or logic.
Logic tends not to work with people who do not think logically.
These areas can overlap but the distinction is, nonetheless, useful. All humans work at the level of opinion, but more or less connect that opinion with reality truth and/or logical truth.
26. Logical truth
Logical truth: symbol manipulation involving integer values, which is exact but may involve paradoxes. This includes coded information, programming languages, digital computers, etc.
Mathematics is concerned with logical without any connection to reality. (Mathematicians such as Hilbert made this decision in the early 1900's).
27. David Hilbert
In the 1920's, Hilbert (1928) proposed finding a consistent mathematical system that will allow all possible truths
to be decided. This would allow the automatic, or mechanical, proving of all possible truths.
28. Hilbert curve

Hilbert invented/discovered the Hilbert curve, a monster curve that was not fully understood until the introduction of fractals a half-century later.
Logical truth involves mathematical and computer/information logic using two discrete logic values (e.g.,
true and
1 and
0) and symbol manipulation using rules to determine which claims are "
true" or "
Computer logic and programming involves logical truth.
Hilbert and his problems and the separation of math with reality and philosophy.
Note that generalizations of logical truth can involve paradoxes, incompleteness, undecidability, etc.
29. Reality truth
Reality truth: approximations using all math values, probability and statistics, etc., which may use logical truth. Traditional science involves reality truth.
Reality truth involves what exactly is real, or reality. Reality truth involves probability, statistics, approximations, unknowns, etc. The traditional scientific method involves reality truth. So does, to some extent, the traditional legal process.
30. Opinion truth
Opinion truth: all other types of truth, which may or may not use logical and reality truth, but need not do so.
Human truth can be whatever one or more humans decide it is. Thus, there are no precise rules for defining human truth other than it is not necessarily logical truth or statistical truth.
31. Computer science
In a programming languages course, one is primarily concerned with logical truth. There may or may not be any connection of logical truth with reality truth and/or human truth.
Thus, a Boolean condition that is either true or false may or may have no connection to "reality".
32. Way, truth and life

The Greek word for truth is «
αλήθεια» means, literally, "
not nothing" or "
not oblivion". It has to do with reality. Hebrew has a similar construction (that which is made).
33. Trinity

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
εν αρχη ην ο λογος και ο λογος ην προς τον θεον και θεος ην ο λογος.
34. Love, hope and faith
Faith is not a feeling but a rational belief.
Hope is an expectation of this reality.
Love is a total devotion.
35. Logically promoting and defending Bible truth
Short title: Logically promoting and defending Bible truth
Longer title: Logically promoting and defending Bible truth using concepts of information, computation, languages, history, science and the Bible.
36. Some details
One often hears that "the Bible is the truth", "the Bible is the true word of God", "the truth shall set you free", (Jesus saying) "I am the way, the truth, and the life". What exactly does "truth" mean? How do we know that the Bible is "true"? Some often presented reasons why the Bible is the "true" word of God do not withstand the test of man-made logical reasoning - making Christian reasoning using these arguments appear somewhat silly to non-believers. Some modern reasons involving the field of computation and information and linguistics can be used to show that the Bible is true but these modern reasons are not widely known or used. Interestingly, these modern reasoning methods of why the Bible is true are essentially the same methods used by Isaiah, Jeremiah, John, Paul, Jesus, and others in the Bible, but are often not understood and usually ignored in establishing the truth of the Bible.
A primary goal of here is to facilitate the learning and discussion of both man-made logical truth and God-made reality truth in terms of information, computation, logic, languages, science, secular history, and the Bible. Just as Paul used the Greek truth of his day to promote and defend the truth of the Bible, so too can the worldly concepts of man-made truth be used to both promote the truth of the Bible yesterday, today, and forever, and to defend against logical attacks of the faith by the world, letting believers put on the whole armor of God, including the sword of truth. Such ideas to be learned and discussed can help one be ready to give a logical defense of the faith and the hope that is within us.
Note that such learning and discussion do not constitute any special knowledge other than logical reasoning as to why the Bible is true - the salvation message is clear without such knowledge. Such knowledge is one additional tool in the armor of God (the sword of truth) that can be used to challenge the unbelief of non-believers.
37. Talks and presentations
Some talks and presentations (complete or fragments) that I have given in the past involve the following.
The impossibility of evolution (i.e., information by chance) and implications for the special creation of the Bible.
Programs that write programs - with connections to creation as described in the Bible.
Optical illusions - how they deceive the eye and brain, and related statements in the Bible.
The top-down design methods, as used by modern computer scientists, and as used by John in his books of John, 1 John, and Revelation.
Fractal - how self-similarity concepts are used in modern animations and science and how they relate to the creation we see all around us.
Technology statements in the Bible that did not become possible until the past 200 years.
Creating simple spreadsheet models that can be used to verify claims of the Bible.
(more to be added over time)
38. Other ideas
Other ideas partially developed include the following, with Bible references as applicable.
Infinity and forever, eternal, etc.
Randomness and chance
Algorithms in the Bible
Mathematical equivalence relations and racism - the Bible has it right
(more to be added over time)
39. End of page