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Saying when does not mean completion
1. Saying when does not mean completion
In computational program correctness theory, "when" does not imply that one will actually get there. That is, "when the program stops" does not mean the program will actually stop. A useful analogy is the distinction between partial correctness and total correctness.
2. Saying when
When pouring, for example, sugar for someone into their tea or coffee, one says to them "say when". That is, "let me know when I have poured enough" or "let me know when to stop pouring".
What happens if the person never says "when"?
The computational ideas of partial and total correctness can help understand these ideas.
3. Testing
Testing of programs cannot be used to show a program is correct (according to some specification).
Details are left as a future topic.
The only way to show a program correct is by using logical reasoning (and induction) in an area of what is called program correctness or program verification and validation.
4. Partial correctness
Partial correctness means that when the program stops, the desired result is achieved.
5. Total correctness
Total correctness means that the program is partially correct and, in addition, does stop.
Total correctness is harder to show than partial correctness. (Why?).
To informally show total correctness one observes (the math gets more involved) that progress is made towards the goal during each loop body iteration so that eventually the loop will stop.
6. Example
Let us look at a simple programming example. The Lua programming language is used.
7. Totally correct loop
Here is a Lua program to count from 1 to 4. During each loop iteration, the variable pos1 is incremented by 1.
Here is the Lua code [#1]
Here is the output of the Lua code.
When the loop ends, the output is "done at 4".
8. Partially correct loop
Let us now remove the increment of variable pos1.
9. Lua code
Here is the Lua code [#2]
The code is still partially correct in that when the loop ends, the output is "done at 4". The loop never ends. So the loop is partially correct but not totally correct.
Here is the output of the Lua code.
There is no output since the program never ends.
10. Alan Turing: halting problem
Alan Turing (1912-1954) developed the ideas that proved the limits of computing before the first programmable digital computer was built.
Claude Shannon (1939) showed that one could built such a computer.
halting problem (Turing, Turing machine, 1936) result: It is impossible to write a computer program that looks at another computer program (and its data) and determines whether that other computer program eventually halts.
The possible answers for a computation of an undecidable problem are yes (true), no (false), or maybe (wait forever). One may be able to go "
outside the system" to determine a better answer.
An abstract (or physical) computer can be called a
Turing Machine. A
Turing complete programming language can compute any computable function.
[waiting for a program to stop, secure form submission, virus detection]
11. Parallel programming
The analogy in parallel (non-deterministic) programming is that of dead-lock and live-lock. (details omitted)
Details are left as a future topic.
12. Summary
So saying that we will "rest when me get there" does not mean that we will eventually "get there" though it may be implied (with high probability) by the situation.
13. End of page