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Word puzzles
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Word puzzles
This content is being developed.

2. Word puzzles
This content is related to programming and crossword puzzles. The general problem is intractable but the depth first search algorithm works well in practice. The goal is to get a sparse crossword puzzle and not a densely packed puzzle which requires many small and sometimes obscure words.

3. Crossword puzzle

 1   2   +   -   ▶ 
This crossword puzzle has the following words.

zero five ten
one six eleven
two seven twelve
three eight
four nine

Given a list of words (and definitions) and a starting point on a board, a straight-forward depth-first crossword puzzle algorithm uses some structural inductions to prove (reason) that certain conditions need not be checked (e.g., when removing a word from a given position on the board).

4. Crossword puzzle
Crossword 1
This crossword puzzle has no list of clues.

The words are the books of the Bible, without numbers, and without spaces.
So John, 1 John, 2 John and 3 John appear once, as John.

It was discovered that some book names can appear in more than one place (i.e., switched). These can now be identified programatically.

5. Crossword puzzle

6. Word find puzzles

 1   2   +   -   ▶ 
This word find puzzle has the following words.

zero five ten
one six eleven
two seven twelve
three eight
four nine

A word find puzzle has a grid of letters and a list of words to find in the letters. These words can often be backwards (right to left, bottom to top), diagonal (left to right), backwards diagonal (right to left), etc.

Note: This word find puzzle type is being developed.
... more to be added ...

7. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640