The Dilbert cartoon series by Scott Adams popularized the idea of Buzzword Bingo with a cartoon strip on February 22, 1994.
Wally: Here's your "Buzzword Bingo" card for the meeting.
Wally: If the boss uses a buzzword on your card, you check it off. The objective is to fill a row.
Boss (at the meeting): You're all very attentive today. My proactive leadership must be working!
Wally: Bingo, sir.
The idea of "
Buzzword Bingo" can be extended to "
Sermon Bingo". All one needs is a suitable collection of commonly repeated words or phrases. Stuttering, "
uh", etc., would not be useful for "
Sermon Bingo".
Sermon Bingo might make sermons more interesting. Can you imagine such a sermon? At a certain point where the congregation might say "
Amen" one would quietly hear throughout the congregation "