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Buzzword Bingo
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Buzzword Bingo
Bingo at the fair about 2002

The game of Bingo goes back in history. The name, from about 1927, appears to be a takeoff on "bing" as in ringing the bell. The name caught on.

The game is still played today at halls, fairs, etc.

2. Bingo cards
Bingo card 1 Bingo card 2 Bingo card 3

The game of Bingo goes back in history. The name, from about 1927, appears to be a takeoff on "bing" as in ringing the bell. The name caught on.

Possible cards: 552,446,474,061,128,648,601,600,000 or about 270.
There was a farmer had a dog and Bingo was his name. Who is Bingo?

3. Buzzword Bingo
The idea of Buzzword Bingo goes back to the early 1990's. The idea is to check off business buzzwords at a meeting.

Buzzword Bingo card.

Buzzword bingo

4. Buzzword Bingo

The Dilbert cartoon series by Scott Adams popularized the idea of Buzzword Bingo with a cartoon strip on February 22, 1994.

The idea of "Buzzword Bingo" can be extended to "Sermon Bingo". All one needs is a suitable collection of commonly repeated words or phrases. Stuttering, "uh", etc., would not be useful for "Sermon Bingo".

5. Sermon Bingo
Sermon bingo 1 Sermon bingo 2
Sermon bingo 3 Sermon bingo 4

Sermon Bingo might make sermons more interesting. Can you imagine such a sermon? At a certain point where the congregation might say "Amen" one would quietly hear throughout the congregation "Bingo".

6. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640