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Triangular number 12
1. Triangular number 12
The Christmas song "
The twelve days of Christmas", in the final verse, has
12 lines, or parts, and
78 gifts. The number
78 is an example of a "
triangular number". The song is sung over and over.
How many total gifts?
364 plus the baby Jesus
2. Total number of gifts
The verses keep adding another line, so the song can be quite long when sung in entirety. How many gifts total?
1*12 + 2*11 + 3*10 + 4*9 + 5*8 + 6*7 + 7*6 + 8*5 + 9*4 + 10*3 + 11*2 12*1
3. Mathematical equation
If one adds all the triangular numbers from
1 to
12, when singing all twelve verses, the total number of gifts is
364. In mathematical terms, the number of gifts
g is given by the following formula.
According to some Christian traditions, the last gift, to make a gift for each day of the year (ignoring leap years), is the gift on Christmas of the birth of the baby Jesus.
4. Computer program
Of course, computer scientists or software engineers may prefer to use a program to count the gifts, such is in the following Lua program.
Here is the Lua code [#1]
Here is the output of the Lua code.
5. Lua
The Portuguese word
"lua" ≈ "moon". Lua was developed in Brazil and has a syntax based on the Pascal (and Modula-2) programming languages.
6. Computer program
Here is a list of "
gift" numbers for verses from
1 to
30 in the sense of the total gifts in the "
12 days of Christmas". Here is a Lua program to compute these value.
Here is the Lua code [#2]
Here is the output of the Lua code.
The Portuguese word
"lua" ≈ "moon". Lua was developed in Brazil and has a syntax based on the Pascal (and Modula-2) programming languages.
7. End of page