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PIE: Computation, information and evaluation connection
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. PIE: Computation, information and evaluation connection
The ideas of computation (computer science in theory), information (data and information science), and evaluation (technology, computer science in practice) are important in establishing connections to reality that transcend time and space.

The definition of science has changed over time (which is interesting in and of itself). Despite what one may hear from time to time, science cannot prove the Bible true, and science cannot prove the Bible false.

Science is concerned with the reality of time and space as we experience it. The Bible makes claims that go outside of time and space as we know it. Thus it is not at all clear how one would verify a truth that transcends time and space.

The concept of information goes outside of science. It is here that we can hope to find some way to verify the truth of the Bible.

In reasoning about the truth of the Bible, it becomes important to use modern techniques of information and computer (computation) science. The same techniques that can be used to verify truth in the information age (e.g., in the fields of security, program correctness, etc.), can be used to verify the truth of the Bible as a message from a creator outside of space and time.

Why would we want to use such modern methods? Have these techniques been used in the past? Well yes, but only a few individuals have in times past used such techniques. However, those individuals include Isaiah, Jeremiah, Jesus, John, Peter, and Paul, and some others.

So the third connection of "PIE" is somewhat contrived to fit the letters, but is the following.

by RS : 1024 x 640