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Grace Hopper
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Grace Hopper
Rear Admiral Grace Hopper was an early computer programmer and for years went around lecturing about computer technology and related topics.

2. Grace Hopper: First computer bug
In the early days of computers, the first documented computer bug was a "moth" that had short-circuited a switch in a computer circuit.

The first bug was documented by Grace Hopper (first computer bug) , though the term bug goes back further than computers.

3. Grace Hopper: Permission
Grace Hopper is known for the saying that it is easier to ask forgiveness than to ask for permission.

4. Grace Hopper: Systems
Rear Admiral Grace Hopper was an early computer programmer and for years went around lecturing about computer technology and related topics.

5. Grace Hopper: Management and leadership

6. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640