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John Tukey
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. John Tukey
John Tukey (American mathematician and statistician)

Tukey invented many terms such as "bit" (for binary digit), ANOVA (Analysis of Variance), etc. He is responsible for the following.

2. Bit as binary digit
Classical bitJohn Tukey (American mathematician and statistician) , working with John von Neumann, coined the term "bit" as "binary digit". The classical "bit" has one of two values, which can be represented as 0 (usually taken as false) and 1 (usually taken as true).

The term "bit" was first used in an article by Claude Shannon in 1948.

Information sign More: Claude Shannon

3. Approximate answers
Far better an approximate answer to the right question, which is often vague, than the exact answer to the wrong question, which can always be made precise. John Tukey (American mathematician and statistician)

4. Approximate answers
An approximate answer to the right problem is worth a good deal more than an exact answer to an approximate problem. John Tukey (American mathematician and statistician)

5. Problem solutions
It's better to solve the right problem approximately than to solve the wrong problem exactly. John Tukey (American mathematician and statistician)

6. Right
Be approximately right rather than exactly wrong. John Tukey (American mathematician and statistician)

7. Stem and leaf diagram
The stem and leaf diagram was invented by John Tukey (American mathematician and statistician) .
Pct Points: Stem-Leaf diagram for Exam --- ------- ------------------------- 100%+ 70: 90%+ 63: 63 65 80%+ 56: 59 59 60 62 70%+ 49: 50 53 55 60%+ 42: 42 43 43 43 43 44 44 45 45 47 47 47 47 47 50%+ 35: 35 35 37 40 40%+ 28: 28 29 29 30 31 33 34 30%+ 21: 21 23 26 27 27 20%+ 14: 15 20 10%+ 7: 7 9 Also: - -

Information sign More: Stem and leaf diagrams

8. Pictures
The greatest value of a picture is when it forces us to notice what we never expected to see. John Tukey (American mathematician and statistician)

9. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640