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Touched by an angel 2
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Touched by an angel 2
What is an "angel"?

The word "άγγελος" (AGH-y-los) ≈ "messenger, angel" appears here to test the Greek transliteration whereby the Greek diphthong «γγ» is pronounced with the first Greek «γ» as the English sound "n" and the second Greek «γ» as the English sound "y".

So many messengers in the Bible were messengers of God, or angels, that the word «άγγελος» eventually become the English word "angel".

The city of "Los Angeles" comes from the Spanish as the city "of angels" where "angel" comes from the Latin "angels" which comes from the Greek «άγγελος» and which appears to go even further back. The English word "evangelical" literally means "good news".

Of course, once angels are identified human nature wants to create equivalence classes of angels, such as and ranks and orders: angel first class, angel second class, etc.

2. Touched by an angel
What does it mean to be "touched by an angel"?

Let us look at some examples from the Bible of being "touched by an angel".

3. 2 Peter 2:6
   2 Peter 2:6 
KJV: And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly;
Greek: και πολεις σοδομων και γομορρας τεφρωσας καταστροφη κατεκρινεν υποδειγμα μελλοντων ασεβειν ασεβεσιν τεθεικως
Latin: et civitates Sodomorum et Gomorraeorum in cinerem redigens eversione damnavit exemplum eorum qui impie acturi sunt ponens
Wycliffe: and he droof in to poudre the citees of men of Sodom and of men of Gommor, and dampnede bi turnyng vpsedoun, and putte hem the ensaumple of hem that weren to doynge yuele;
Luther: und hat die Städte Sodom und Gomorra zu Asche gemacht, umgekehret und verdammt, damit ein Exempel gesetzt den Gottlosen, die hernach kommen würden;
Spanish: y si condenó por destrucción las ciudades de Sodoma y de Gomorra, tornándolas en ceniza, y poniéndolas de ejemplo a los que habían de vivir impíamente,

4. Syrian army
During the reign of Hezekiah, in 2 Kings 19:35, an angel killed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers after which the Assyrian King Sennacherib returned to Nineveh.

5. 2 Kings 19:35
KJV: And it came to pass that night, that the angel of the LORD went out, and smote in the camp of the Assyrians an hundred fourscore and five thousand: and when they arose early in the morning, behold, they were all dead corpses.
Hebrew: ויהי בלילה ההוא ויצא מלאך יהוה ויך במחנה אשור מאה שמונים וחמשה אלף וישכימו בבקר והנה כלם פגרים מתים׃
Greek: και εγενετο εως νυκτος και εξηλθεν αγγελος κυριου και επαταξεν εν τη παρεμβολη των ασσυριων εκατον ογδοηκοντα πεντε χιλιαδας και ωρθρισαν το πρωι και ιδου παντες σωματα νεκρα
Latin: factum est igitur in nocte illa venit angelus Domini et percussit castra Assyriorum centum octoginta quinque milia cumque diluculo surrexisset vidit omnia corpora mortuorum et recedens abiit
Wycliffe: Therfor it was don, in that niyt the aungel of the Lord cam, and smoot in the castels of Assiryens an hundrid foure score and fyue thousynde. And whanne Sennacherib hadde rise eerli, he siy alle bodies of deed men; and he departide, and yede awei.
Luther: Und in derselben Nacht fuhr aus der Engel des Herrn und schlug im Lager von Assyrien hundertundfünfundachtzigtausend Mann. Und da sie sich des Morgens frühe aufmachten, siehe, da lag es alles eitel tote Leichname.
Spanish: Y aconteció que la misma noche salió elángel de Jehová, e hirió en el campamento de los asirios ciento ochenta y cinco mil; y cuando se levantaron por la mañana, he aquí, todo era cuerpos de muertos.
Note the use of the word "castra", from which we get the word "castle", for "camp".

6. 2 Kings 19:36
KJV: So Sennacherib king of Assyria departed, and went and returned, and dwelt at Nineveh.
Greek: και απηρεν και επορευθη και απεστρεψεν σενναχηριμ βασιλευς ασσυριων και ωκησεν εν νινευη

7. Sennacherib
In 701 BC Hezekiah and Jerusalem miraculously escaped the conquering and destruction of Jerusalem by Sennacherib, the ruler of Assyria.
Isaiah the prophet was inside the city of Jerusalem during the siege, providing prophecies from God.

This is recorded both in the Bible and in secular history and on an ancient prism discovered and deciphered. In the Bible, an angel smites 185,000 Assyrian soldiers in one night.

8. Caged birds
On the prism of Sennacherib, Sennacherib recounts how he had trapped Hezekiah in Jerusalem "like a caged bird" (which was true) but leaving out the overnight disaster and having to retreat. Some secular sources attribute the disaster to a sudden plague, but the two viewpoints had the same effect.
Hezekiah is mentioned by name on the prism. It was during this siege of Jerusalem that the tunnel of Hezekiah was dug to obtain water for Jerusalem.

Future topic Details are left as a future topic.

9. Peter
Angels can be more gentle in their actions.

10. Acts 12:7
   Acts 12:7 
KJV: And, behold, the angel of the Lord came upon him, and a light shined in the prison: and he smote Peter on the side, and raised him up, saying, Arise up quickly. And his chains fell off from his hands.
Greek: και ιδου αγγελος κυριου επεστη και φως ελαμψεν εν τω οικηματι παταξας δε την πλευραν του πετρου ηγειρεν αυτον λεγων αναστα εν ταχει και εξεπεσον εξεπεσαν αυτου αι αλυσεις εκ των χειρων
Latin: et ecce angelus Domini adstitit et lumen refulsit in habitaculo percussoque latere Petri suscitavit eum dicens surge velociter et ceciderunt catenae de manibus eius
Tyndale: And beholde the angell of ye Lorde was there present and a lyght shyned in the lodge. And smote Peter on the syde and steryd him vp sayinge: aryse vp quyckly. And his cheynes fell of fro his hondes.
Spanish: Y he aquí, elángel del Señor vino, y una luz resplandeció en la cárcel; y golpeando a Pedro en el costado, le despertó, diciendo: Levántate prestamente. Y las cadenas se le cayeron de las manos.

11. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640