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Anything and everything continued
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Matthew 7:7
   Matthew 7:7 
KJV: Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
Greek: αιτειτε και δοθησεται υμιν ζητειτε και ευρησετε κρουετε και ανοιγησεται υμιν

2. Matthew 7:8
   Matthew 7:8 
KJV: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
Greek: πας γαρ ο αιτων λαμβανει και ο ζητων ευρισκει και τω κρουοντι ανοιγησεται

3. Luke 11:9
   Luke 11:9 
KJV: And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
Greek: καγω υμιν λεγω αιτειτε και δοθησεται υμιν ζητειτε και ευρησετε κρουετε και ανοιγησεται υμιν

4. Luke 11:10
   Luke 11:10 
KJV: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
Greek: πας γαρ ο αιτων λαμβανει και ο ζητων ευρισκει και τω κρουοντι ανοιγησεται
This idea of ask, seek and knock is obvious in the book of John. Or is it? Let us look at a more general model of the "anything" idea.

5. Model fit
Whenever one is presented with a logical model, one should take the following steps. Example: Albert Einstein discovered and jump-started the field of quantum mechanics. He never liked the idea. The model fit and he knew it fit.

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6. Truth
Levels of truthThe model to be presented relates to "truth" as in "reality".

Opinion truth can be related to what is called "philosophy" (literally "love of wisdom") since all opinion truth, to some extent, relies on logical and reality truth.

7. Separation
Note: Hilbert led the way for mathematics to divorce itself from reality in the early 20th century. It appears that, often, philosophy has done the same, but in a different direction.

8. Knowledge over time
Philosophers are people who know less and less about more and more, until they know nothing about everything. Scientists are people who know more and more about less and less, until they know everything about nothing. Konrad Lorenz (Austrian zoologist)

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9. Learning
Book: Delphi Component DesignOriginally, physicists and philosophers had a great deal in common; they hypothesized about the universe, using the same logic and same set of knowledge. ... Physicists learn more and more about less and less, until someday they'll know everything about nothing. Philosophers know less and less about more and more, until they'll know nothing about everything. Thorpe, D. Delphi component design. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley., p. 37.

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In the past hundred years, science has become less and less about reality truth (facts) and more and more about opinion truth.

10. Truth and facts
Levels of truthThe separation of truth from reality was expressed clearly in the remark by Joe Biden in August 2020 who told people in Iowa that "we choose truth over facts". This does not make a lot of sense without a model that shows how one can separate truth and reality and where opinion truth can override reality truth.
A future topic will deal with Biblical truth from the perspective of Jesus as translated to Greek and Hebrew truth. For now, this truth has to do with reality truth and not logical or opinion truth.

11. Infallibility
Note: Taking the Bible as a (man-made) logical truth, as in inerrancy and/or infallibility, creates many logical issues that are not relevant to what Jesus or the Bible are saying. To better understand this, one needs a background in error-correcting codes, fault tolerance, information theory and computability. This is left as a future topic. Question: Why would a creator who designed and created DNA codes with built-in fault-tolerant features require that all texts are man-made perfect instead of being fault-tolerant?

Question: Should God require the same perfectness of us instead of providing a level of fault tolerance? This is, fault tolerance through the saving grace of Jesus Christ - the rules "broken" for us.

12. Table
Here is a table to model related ideas with an emphasis on Biblical ideas.

Related hierarchy/sequence of ideas
opinion truth reality truth logical truth
philosophy science information/math
way truth life
ask seek knock
faith hope love/work
water bread blood
Holy Ghost Son Father
Comforter Jesus God
think see do
hear see do
Some of these connections are left as future topics. Let us see how some of these ideas fit with the verses in John chapters 14, 15, 16 which the KJV (King James Version) translates as being able to "ask anything" and it will be done.

What about asking a question?

13. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640