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Some bits about information
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Overview
Here is an overview of some creation/evolution arguments. Some of these arguments are explained here. Other pages contain additional information.

2. Relevant questions
The relevant questions to ask any supporter of evolution are the following. Note that information here means "coded information" as in a formal computer or natural written language. The field of quantum information sidesteps the issue by claiming that everything is information. For such claims, one must specify "coded information".

3. Flip of a fair coin
Heads or Tails Related fields:
 Computer Science

What is the (approximate) probability that the flip of a fair coin results in heads?
The field of statistics has a deep connection to computer/information science though it may not be immediately obvious.

Saying: "statistics means nothing to a rock". Unlike data (every particle in the universe), coded information requires an intelligent "point of view".

The entire field of statistics is the concept of known and unknown information by an observer and determining a "best guess" at what the state of the actual information of interest.

Information sign More: Sample space for a coin flip

4. Data and information
The term "data" is used to refer to "everything" and "information" to refer to "data" that has "meaning" or "value" to an "intelligent" entity.

5. Arguments
Note that arguments involving science, physics, chemistry, geology, etc., can be very difficult to precisely quantify such that an average person can understand the issues.

However, arguments involving high school mathematics involving powers of two make it possible for the average person to understand the essential arguments about creation and evolution.

6. Powers of 2
21 = 2 22 = 4 23 = 8 24 = 16 25 = 32 26 = 64 27 = 128 28 = 256 29 = 512 210 = 1024

Numbers can be represented and processed using base 2 - powers of two.

Since 1000 = 103, every power of 3 in base 10 is "about" a power of 10 in base 2. Thus, 1,000,000 = 106 is "about" a power of 6/3*10 = 20 in base 2. That is, 103 is about 220.

7. Bit comparisons
Bits needed to represent this value.     
2 (one coin flip)
4 (two coin flips)
8 (three coin flips)
16 (four coin flips)
1,024 (ten coin flips, KB)
≈1,000,000 (MB, 20 questions)
≈1,000,000,000 (GB, billion)
≈1,000,000,000,000 (TB, trillion)
Game of 20 questions.
  • 220 = 1,000,000
Not possible:
  • brute force enumeration
  • guessing long passwords
  • testing programs for correctness
  • information arising by chance

One goal of computer science: Convert 1,000,000 to 20.

Goal: Given random amino acids everywhere, pick out all right-handed or left-handed at random to build a protein. This can be analyzed as a classical statistics coin flipping model.

8. Bit progression
Bits needed to represent this value.     
Information in simplest self-replicating cell self-organizing (nucleotide level)
Information in human DNA (nucleotide level)
Microseconds in 8,000 years
Every small particle in the known universe
For each do million times a second for 8,000 years
Do for every particle for 8 billion years
Do for every particle for 8 trillion years
Make every particle a universe for 8 trillion years
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. (336 bits)
(56 letters/spaces, 5 or 6 bits per letter/space)
How can one get from 628 bits to 12,000,000 bits (nucleotide level) or 100,000,000,000,000 bits (atomic level)?

9. Self-organizing self-replicating cell
The 100,000,000,000,000 bits for a self-replicating cell self-organizing assumes that all of the needed "molecules" (e.g., amino acids) exist and have no trouble combining and that only the information needs to be organized. Since the two are independent, the bit probabilities are multiplied together to get 12,000,000*12,000,000 = 144,000,000,000,000.

For simplicity in the above table, the nucleotide bit level and the atom bit level probability of 100,000,000,000,000 is used.

10. Exponential arithmetic
If the reasoning seems strange, you need to get used to exponential arithmetic.
8 * 8 = 23 * 23 = 26 = (2*2*2)*(2*2*2) = 64 210 * 220 = 230 2270 * 280 = 2350

11. Assumptions
Of course, if you want to argue that there is always a chance, no matter how small, then the following assumptions need to be quantified.

12. Some bits about information
Here is a summary of the two-step (coded) information argument. Chess piecesThe only alternative appears to be that of a creator God outside of time and space. Ways have been proposed to get the needed infinity.
Note that the only alternative for those not wanting a creator is to assume coded information can arise by chance. This contradicts both logic and observed reality and requires a lot of "faith". To read about that "faith", check out the Wikipedia page on "Junkyard tornado".

[Hoyle fallacy]

13. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640