Put in charge of the hereditary power group called the Magi who tried to get his friends (fiery furnace) and again, 50 years later, when Daniel is about 70, with the lion's den. Both attempts failed.
Dream interpretation (statue) that foresees the empires of the world from his time up to the present time.
Received messages from God through angels that predict events to the end times and that help authenticate the Bible as true.
Only one of two humans in the Bible in positions of authority (administrators) for which no bad word is said (Joseph is the other one).
Many of these actions involved using science, engineering, logical reasoning, information methods, etc., to show the king the truth.
He was kept in charge by the new king and resentment led the magi to trick the king into putting Daniel into the lion's den - at about 70 years of age.
How do we know the truth? How do we reason about the truth?
Here are some more details as a short overview of the book of Daniel.
Under development. More to be added.