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Daniel: Susanna in Babylon
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Daniel: Susanna in Babylon
One of the first documented cases of cross examinations of separated witnesses in a legal setting is that of Daniel at the trial of Susanna - which is part of the Apocrypha as Daniel chapter 13. It is part of the LXX (Septuagint) and called the ancient Greek word "Σωσαννα""Susanna" .

The book of "Susanna" is sometimes called "Susanna and the Elders".
In the story, Daniel is called in and says that he is "innocent of this blood". Matthew uses this similar saying to describe what Pilate says of the blood of Jesus.

Verse routeMatthew 27:24 When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it. [kjv]
Verse routeιδων δε ο πιλατος οτι ουδεν ωφελει αλλα μαλλον θορυβος γινεται λαβων υδωρ απενιψατο τας χειρας κατεναντι του οχλου λεγων αθωος ειμι απο του αιματος τουτου υμεις οψεσθε [gnt]

2. Overview
Susanna is an attractive female who is approached by two elders while bathing in a garden and demand to have relations with her or else they will, as two witnesses, accuse her of having relations with another young man under a tree.

She is arrested and faces the death penalty - since there are two witnesses.

3. Daniel
Daniel is called in. He has the two elders separated and questions each. For the question of under which tree she was having relations with the young man. Each gives the name of a different tree. This exonerates Susanna and the elders are executed for false accusation.

The quote of Daniel saying he is "innocent of this blood" is the similar to that used by Matthew to describe what Pilate says of the blood of Jesus.

4. Matthew 27:24
KJV: When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it.
Greek: ιδων δε ο πιλατος οτι ουδεν ωφελει αλλα μαλλον θορυβος γινεται λαβων υδωρ απενιψατο τας χειρας απεναντι κατεναντι του οχλου λεγων αθωος ειμι απο του αιματος του δικαιου τουτου υμεις οψεσθε
Latin: videns autem Pilatus quia nihil proficeret sed magis tumultus fieret accepta aqua lavit manus coram populo dicens innocens ego sum a sanguine iusti huius vos videritis
Wessex: Ða ge-seah pilatus þaet hyt naht ne fremede ac ge-wurðe mare ge-hlud. þa ge-nam he water & weosc hys hande be-foran þam folke. & cwaeð. Un-scyldig ich eom fram þisen rihtwisan blode. ge ge-seoð.
Wycliffe: And Pilat seynge that he profitide no thing, but that the more noyse was maad, took watir, and waischide hise hondis bifor the puple, and seide, Y am giltles of the blood of this riytful man; bise you.
Tyndale: When Pilate sawe that he prevayled nothinge but that moare busines was made he toke water and wasshed his hondes before ye people sayinge: I am innocent of the bloud of this iuste person and that ye shall se.
Luther: Da aber Pilatus sah, daß er nichts schaffete, sondern daß ein viel größer Getümmel ward, nahm er Wasser und wusch die Hände vor dem Volk und sprach: Ich bin unschuldig an dem Blut dieses Gerechten; sehet ihr zu!
Spanish: Y viendo Pilato que nada adelantaba, antes se hacía más alboroto, tomó agua y se lavó las manos delante del pueblo, diciendo: Inocente soy yo de la sangre de este justo; vedlo vosotros.
Portuguese: Pilatos, vendo que nada conseguia e que o tumulto aumentava cada vez mais, mandou vir água e lavou as mãos na presença da multidão, dizendo: «Estou inocente deste sangue. Isso é convosco. »

5. Sextus Africanus
Sextus Africanus removed Susanna from Daniel as it was not present in the Hebrew text of Daniel.

Note that the Hebrew texts were standardized much later than the LXX was translated so it is not easy to determine if it was there originally.

6. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640