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Easter: the futility of rabbits
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Easter: the futility of rabbits
Rabbits tend to multiply very rapidly.

The tradition of the "Easter rabbit" or "Easter bunny" has pagan origins in fertility rites going back to Babylon.
The land of Spain on the Iberian Peninsula comes from the "Land of rabbits" or "Iberia" or "Ispania".
Magicians deceive the mind and the eye in order to put the rabbit into the hat. This allows them to appear to pull a rabbit out of a hat.

2. Fibonacci sequence and golden ratio
The Fibonacci sequence (1202) in mathematics has origins in the counting of rabbits as they multiply.

The Fibonacci sequence is related to the golden ratio, golden rectangles, etc.

The sequence starts with two 1's. Each following term is the sum of the previous two terms.

Information sign More: Fibonacci sequence and golden ratio

3. Fibonacci in nature
Golden ratio spiral
The "Fibonacci sequence" and associated "Golden Ratio" appears often in nature, must be precisely tuned, and has many implication for a created universe.

Future topic Details are left as a future topic.

Information sign More: Fibonacci sequence and golden ratio

4. Easter bunny
The modern tradition of the "Easter rabbit" or "Easter bunny" or "Easter hare" originates from the German Lutherans.

This original "Easter bunny" was a judge who decided, at the start of "Eastertide", whether children were good or bad.

Aristotle says that to properly use logic, one should define all words. He then proceeds with the definition of a definition.

5. Fertility rites
Some of these ideas may have pagan origins in fertility rites going back to Babylon as rabbits multiply quickly.
This is true of the "egg" but not as clear in regards to the "rabbit" or "bunny".
There are many bunny rabbit jokes. They tend to multiply.
To sum it up, Many children these days have sum trouble with multiplication.
There is a difference of opinion, but times are tough. And their troubles are multiplying. Does that add up? What does the remainder say about what is left over?

Information sign More: Lent, Ash Wednesday, Fastnacht Day, Mardi Gras

6. Spain and the land of rabbits
The land of Spain on the Iberian Peninsula comes from the "Land of rabbits" or "Iberia" or Ispania".

7. Versed in magical attention
Blivet Fork
To pull a rabbit out of the hat, the magician must deceive the eye and the mind in order to put the rabbit into the hat.
There are many ways to divert the attention of those in the audience in order to accomplish this trick of deception.

Some pastors will do this by focusing attention on part of a verse (e.g., details of the original Greek) to draw attention away from other parts of that verse or nearby verses. Some pastors will make a stupid joke to get the audience to laugh and then quickly skip over a verse that does not agree with their political or social change leanings.

When one starts to look at the entire context of the verses, things may not look as clear as portrayed.

8. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640