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Search the scriptures
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Search the scriptures
In Acts 17:11, Paul tells the Bereans to search the scriptures to see whether such things (i.e., what he told them) are so.

Verse routeActs 17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. [kjv]
Verse routeουτοι δε ησαν ευγενεστεροι των εν θεσσαλονικη οιτινες εδεξαντο τον λογον μετα πασης προθυμιας το καθ ημεραν ανακρινοντες τας γραφας ει εχοι ταυτα ουτως [gnt]
Verse routescrutantes … [v]

The ancient Greek word "ανακρινω""discern" and whose base word in Greek means "judge" as in "separate".

How much effort do you put into "searching" and "studying" the scriptures to "discern" that what as claimed as true is actually true?

2. Acts 17:11
   Acts 17:11 
KJV: These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
Greek: ουτοι δε ησαν ευγενεστεροι των εν θεσσαλονικη οιτινες εδεξαντο τον λογον μετα πασης προθυμιας το καθ ημεραν ανακρινοντες τας γραφας ει εχοι ταυτα ουτως
Latin: hii autem erant nobiliores eorum qui sunt Thessalonicae qui susceperunt verbum cum omni aviditate cotidie scrutantes scripturas si haec ita se haberent
Wycliffe: But these weren the worthier of hem that ben at Thessolonik, whiche resseyueden the word with al desire, eche dai sekinge scripturis, if these thingis hadden hem so.

3. Search the scriptures
Do you "search the scriptures" daily? How often do you "search the scriptures"? To be more precise, you should "discern the scriptures".

The ancient Greek word "ανακρινω""discern" from the following.

4. Judging
To "discern the scriptures" you must make higher level judgments using the word "judge" that is often mistranslated or misinterpreted.

5. Matthew 7:1
   Matthew 7:1 
KJV: Judge not, that ye be not judged.
Greek: μη κρινετε ινα μη κριθητε

6. Judge
Divide into two partsThe Greek word for "judge" means to separate. Two gatesThe only separation being done on Matthew 7 is that of the two gates. That is, who is going to hell and who is going to heaven. One should not make those separations.

7. Matthew 7:2
   Matthew 7:2 
KJV: For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
Greek: εν ω γαρ κριματι κρινετε κριθησεσθε και εν ω μετρω μετρειτε αντιμετρηθησεται μετρηθησεται υμιν

8. Judgment
Two gates - pre-approvedThe judgment or measuring will be done on you even if you do not make any judgments. You should "search the scriptures" to make sure that you are headed to the gate you wish to enter.

9. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640