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Primitive theology comments
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Primitive theology comments
Someone loaned me a book called "Primitive theology: The collected primers of John H. Gerstner", 1996, Soli Deo Gloria Publications.

The book is interesting and some comments on various parts have been created.

2. Gerstner: Apologetics
Gerstner makes many comments about apologetics. Some of his assumptions do not account for what has been learned in computer science and information theory.

3. Finite verses infinite
This claim is contradicted by modern computer science. Computer science can be defined as the search for finite representations of infinite (or potentially infinite) objects. The more finite the time, the faster the program runs. The more finite the space, the less memory it takes. And so on.

Information sign More: Finite representations of infinite objects
Such reasoning and application is done all of the time in applied programming language theory, in the foundations of computing, in algorithmic information theory, and (though some programmers may not be aware of it) in everyday computer programming.

4. God is infinite
His statement right before the above statement is that "God is beyond finite comprehension" has some validity. We can never fully understand God. We do have ways to approximate our understanding in more than just a finite way.

5. Reason
Isaiah invites others to join him and "reason" together.

6. Isaiah 1:18
   Isaiah 1:18 
KJV: Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
Hebrew: לכו נא ונוכחה יאמר יהוה אם יהיו חטאיכם כשנים כשלג ילבינו אם יאדימו כתולע כצמר יהיו׃
Greek: και δευτε και διελεγχθωμεν λεγει κυριος και εαν ωσιν αι αμαρτιαι υμων ως φοινικουν ως χιονα λευκανω εαν δε ωσιν ως κοκκινον ως εριον λευκανω

7. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640