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The rich and powerful words of the kingdom of the Goths
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. The rich and powerful words of the kingdom of the Goths
Verse routeMark 10:24 And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God! [kjv]
Verse routeοι δε μαθηται εθαμβουντο επι τοις λογοις αυτου ο δε ιησους παλιν αποκριθεις λεγει αυτοις τεκνα πως δυσκολον εστιν χρημασιν εις την βασιλειαν του θεου εισελθειν [gnt]
Verse routehirerice. [wes]
Verse routehugjandamthiudangardja … [got]
Verse routeReichtumReich … [lu]

The Goths were a collection of Germanic tribes from north-central Europe. Wulfila translated the Bible into Gothic in the 5th Century. It is most of what we know about the Gothic language.

2. Mark 10:24
Verse routeMark 10:24 And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God! [kjv]
Verse routeοι δε μαθηται εθαμβουντο επι τοις λογοις αυτου ο δε ιησους παλιν αποκριθεις λεγει αυτοις τεκνα πως δυσκολον εστιν χρημασιν εις την βασιλειαν του θεου εισελθειν [gnt]
Verse routehirerice. [wes]
Verse routehugjandamthiudangardja … [got]
Verse routeReichtumReich … [lu]

3. Mark 10:24
   Mark 10:24 
KJV: And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God!
Greek: οι δε μαθηται εθαμβουντο επι τοις λογοις αυτου ο δε ιησους παλιν αποκριθεις λεγει αυτοις τεκνα πως δυσκολον εστιν τους πεποιθοτας επι τοις χρημασιν εις την βασιλειαν του θεου εισελθειν
Latin: discipuli autem obstupescebant in verbis eius at Iesus rursus respondens ait illis filioli quam difficile est confidentes in pecuniis regnum Dei introire
Wessex: Ða forteden his leorning-cnihtes be his worden. Eft se haelend heom andswerede & quoth. Eala chyld. swiðe earfodlice þa þe on hire feo ge-truwiad gad on godes rice.
Wycliffe: And the disciplis weren astonyed in hise wordis. And Jhesus eftsoone answeride, and seide`to hem, Ye litle children, hou hard it is for men that tristen in ritchessis to entre in to the kyngdom of God.
Gothic: ith thai siponjos afslauthnodedun in waurde is. tharuh iesus aftra andhafjands qath im: barnilona, hvaiwa aglu ist thaim hugjandam afar faihau in thiudangardja gudis galeithan.
Luther: Die Jünger aber entsetzten sich über seine Rede. Aber Jesus antwortete wiederum und sprach zu ihnen: Liebe Kinder, wie schwerlich ist's, daß die, so ihr Vertrauen auf Reichtum setzen, ins Reich Gottes kommen!

4. Goths
The Goths moved from place to place. The Goths influenced both languages.

5. Matthew 4:8
Verse routeMatthew 4:8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; [kjv]
Verse routeπαλιν παραλαμβανει αυτον ο διαβολος εις ορος υψηλον λιαν και δεικνυσιν αυτω πασας τας βασιλειας του κοσμου και την δοξαν αυτων [gnt]
Verse routediabolusregna mundi … [v]
Verse routeTeufelReicheWelt … [lu]

In Greek, the word translated as "temptation" meant an examination using ideas that one knew or believed to be true. In a negative sense, such a "temptation" would try to deceive using things one believed to be true.

Information sign More: Matthew 4:1-11, 6:13: Examining evil temptations
Information sign More: Do not mention temptations nor attempt to be a pirate

6. Matthew 4:8
   Matthew 4:8 
KJV: Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;
Greek: παλιν παραλαμβανει αυτον ο διαβολος εις ορος υψηλον λιαν και δεικνυσιν αυτω πασας τας βασιλειας του κοσμου και την δοξαν αυτων
Latin: iterum adsumit eum diabolus in montem excelsum valde et ostendit ei omnia regna mundi et gloriam eorum
Wessex: Eft se deofel hine nam. & ledde hine on swiðe heagene munt. & ateowede hym ealne midden-eardes riche. & hire wuldor.
Luther: Wiederum führete ihn der Teufel mit sich auf einen sehr hohen Berg und zeigete ihm alle Reiche der Welt und ihre Herrlichkeit
Russian: Опять берет Его диавол на весьма высокую гору и показывает Ему все царства мира и славу их,

7. Matthew 4:9-10
Verse routeMatthew 4:9 And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. [kjv]
Verse route4:10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. [kjv]

In Greek, the word translated as "temptation" meant an examination using ideas that one knew or believed to be true. In a negative sense, such a "temptation" would try to deceive using things one believed to be true.

Information sign More: Matthew 4:1-11, 6:13: Examining evil temptations
Information sign More: Do not mention temptations nor attempt to be a pirate

8. Matthew 4:9
   Matthew 4:9 
KJV: And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.
Greek: και λεγει ειπεν αυτω ταυτα παντα σοι παντα δωσω εαν πεσων προσκυνησης μοι
Latin: et dixit illi haec tibi omnia dabo si cadens adoraveris me
Wessex: & cwaeð to him. Ealle þas ic gyfe þe. gif þu feallende. to me ge-eadmedst.
Luther: und sprach zu ihm: Das alles will ich dir geben, so du niederfällst und mich anbetest.
Russian: и говорит Ему: все это дам Тебе, если, пав, поклонишься мне.

9. Matthew 4:10
   Matthew 4:10 
KJV: Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
Greek: τοτε λεγει αυτω ο ιησους υπαγε σατανα γεγραπται γαρ κυριον τον θεον σου προσκυνησεις και αυτω μονω λατρευσεις
Latin: tunc dicit ei Iesus vade Satanas scriptum est Dominum Deum tuum adorabis et illi soli servies
Wessex: Ða cwaeð se haelend to him. Gang þu succa on-baec. Soðlice hit is awriten. to drihtne þine gode þu þe ge-eadmestð (sic). & him ane þeowast.
Wycliffe: Thanne Jhesus seide to hym, Goo, Sathanas; for it is writun, Thou schalt worschipe thi Lord God, and to hym aloone thou shalt serue.
Luther: Da sprach Jesus zu ihm: Heb' dich weg von mir, Satan! Denn es stehet geschrieben: Du sollst anbeten Gott, deinen Herrn, und ihm allein dienen.
Russian: Тогда Иисус говорит ему: отойди от Меня, сатана, ибо написано: Господу Богу твоему поклоняйся и Ему одному служи.

10. Matthew 3:2
Verse routeMatthew 3:2 And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. [kjv]
Verse route λεγων μετανοειτε ηγγικεν γαρ η βασιλεια των ουρανων [gnt]
Verse routeregnum … [v]
Verse routeriche. [wes]
Verse routereich … [lu]
Verse routeЦарство … [rus]

The German word "Reich""kingdom, empire" as in the "Third Reich" is related.

11. Matthew 3:2
   Matthew 3:2 
KJV: And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Greek: και λεγων μετανοειτε ηγγικεν γαρ η βασιλεια των ουρανων
Latin: et dicens paenitentiam agite adpropinquavit enim regnum caelorum
Wessex: & cwaeð. Doð deadbote. soðlice geneolaceð heofone riche.
Luther: und sprach: Tut Buße; das Himmelreich ist nahe herbeikommen!
Russian: и говорит: покайтесь, ибо приблизилось Царство Небесное.

12. The rich and powerful words of the kingdom of the Goths
The Gothic word "amalric" means, literally "rich-ruler" or "powerful-ruler" where the terms "rich" and "powerful" have a lot in common. The German word "reich" as in "rich" or "Third Reich" is related.
The first name of the Spanish explorer "Amerigo Vespucci" was used to name the area of the New World called "America". The name "America" first appeared in print in a 1507 map.

13. 1 Corinthians 15:24
Verse route1 Corinthians 15:24 Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. [kjv]
Verse routeειτα το τελος οταν παραδιδω την βασιλειαν τω θεω και πατρι οταν καταργηση πασαν αρχην και πασαν εξουσιαν και δυναμιν [gnt]
Verse routeregnumprincipatum … [v]
Verse routekyngdomprincehod… [wy]
Verse routethathroththan andeis, than [a] anafilhith thiudinassu guda jah attin, than gatairith all reikjis jah waldufnjis jah mahtais. [got]
Verse routeReichHerrschaft … [lu]

14. 1 Corinthians 15:24
KJV: Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.
Greek: ειτα το τελος οταν παραδω παραδιδω την βασιλειαν τω θεω και πατρι οταν καταργηση πασαν αρχην και πασαν εξουσιαν και δυναμιν
Latin: deinde finis cum tradiderit regnum Deo et Patri cum evacuaverit omnem principatum et potestatem et virtutem
Wycliffe: aftirward an ende, whanne he schal bitake the kyngdom to God and to the fadir, whanne he schal auoide al princehod, and power, and vertu.
Gothic: thathroththan andeis, than [a] anafilhith thiudinassu guda jah attin, than gatairith all reikjis jah waldufnjis jah mahtais.
Luther: Danach das Ende, wenn er das Reich Gott und dem Vater überantworten wird, wenn er aufheben wird alle Herrschaft und alle Obrigkeit und Gewalt.
Russian: А затем конец, когда Он предаст Царство Богу и Отцу, когда упразднит всякое начальство и всякую власть и силу.

15. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640