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Philippians 1a review
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Philippians 1a review
ScrollOne must read Paul's letters very carefully.

Paul often writes using puns and play on words.

What is not said can be as important as what is said.
One must take into account his Greek speaking and educated audience. Paul uses many Greek words that have specific meanings in Greek philosophy, history and/or culture.

2. Mount Joy

Some towns are named for "joy" such as "Mount Joy" in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Where is the "mountain"?

3. Mount Joy history
According to history, during the religious wars in England and Ireland between the Protestants and Catholics, a merchant ship loaded with provisions for Londonderry named the "MontJoy" (no space) rammed a barrier and delivered supplies to the starving city. Some of the Scottish Presbyterians later left Ireland for the New World and named their town "Mount Joy" (with a space).

For more information, see the Mount Joy Area Historical Society web site at

Information sign More: A joyous thank you for the grace of a gaudy favor

4. Verse 1
I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy,
Down in my heart,
Down in my heart,
Down in my heart;
I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy,
Down in my heart,
Down in my heart to stay.

5. A joyous thank you for the grace of a gaudy favor
The Greek word often translated as "joy" can be mistaken as meaning "merry" or "great happiness" or "bliss". The word "joy" comes, through French, from the Latin "gaudia""joy" and which became "gaudy".
The ancient Greek word "χαρά""favor, grace" was the word used to translate the Hebrew word. Following Jesus is not all "joy" in the modern English sense of the word.

Verse routePhilippians 1:29 For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake; [kjv]

At the time, the meaning of "suffer" was to "passively endure". So much of this endurance was painful persecution that the word took on the meaning it has today. Another Greek word meant "suffer" as in "to allow".

Information sign More: A joyous thank you for the grace of a gaudy favor

6. Review of joy
The English word "joy" comes, through French, from the Latin word "gaudia""joy" and is the source of the word "gaudy".

The ancient Greek word "χαρά""favor, grace" was the word used to translate the Hebrew word for "favor" or "grace".

joy merry, happy favor, grace
rejoice be merry, be happy greetings
Note: The overlap in meanings between languages can be confusing.
This word is often translated as "joy" but can easily be mistaken as the English word meaning "merry" as in "great happiness" having been influenced by the English word "bliss".

Information sign More: A joyous thank you for the grace of a gaudy favor

7. Paragraph of recommendation
Here is a paragraph of recommendation.

To whom it may concern: You wrote to ask me for my opinion of John, who has applied for a position in your department. Source: Paulos, J. (1995). A mathematician reads the newspaper. New York: Basic Books., p. 43.

That is, while (many) computer languages are designed to be unambiguous, natural language is inherently ambiguous.

Information sign More: John Allen Paulos

8. Philippians 1
Bishop in scope
Here are some highlights from Philippians 1.

9. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640