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Blind leading the blind
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Blind leading the blind
Verse routeMatthew 15:14 Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. [kjv]
Verse routeαφετε αυτους τυφλοι εισιν οδηγοι τυφλος δε τυφλον εαν οδηγη αμφοτεροι εις βοθυνον πεσουνται [gnt]

Blind leading the blindIn Matthew 15:14, Jesus uses the example of the "blind" leading the "blind".

This is an example of a reflexive relationship since the blind are leading both others who are blind and themselves who are blind.

2. Matthew 15:14
KJV: Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
Greek: αφετε αυτους οδηγοι εισιν τυφλοι τυφλων εισιν οδηγοι τυφλος δε τυφλον εαν οδηγη αμφοτεροι εις βοθυνον πεσουνται
Latin: sinite illos caeci sunt duces caecorum caecus autem si caeco ducatum praestet ambo in foveam cadunt
Wycliffe: Suffre ye hem; thei ben blynde, and leederis of blynde men. And if a blynd man lede a blynd man, bothe fallen doun in to the diche.
Luther: Lasset sie fahren! Sie sind blind und Blindenleiter. Wenn aber ein Blinder den andern leitet, so fallen sie beide in die Grube.

3. Strongs - blind

4. Usage - blind
*G5185 *50 τυφλός (toof-los') : from, 5187; opaque (as if smoky), i.e. (by analogy) blind (physically or mentally):--blind.
Word usage per chapter Words: τυφλε τυφλοι=14 τυφλοις=2 τυφλον=6 τυφλος=15 τυφλου=3 τυφλους=4 τυφλω τυφλων=4

5. Kicking
If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month. Teddy Roosevelt (26th President of the United States)

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6. 2 Kings 3:16 Ditches
Verse route2 Kings 3:16 And he said, Thus saith the LORD, Make this valley full of ditches. [kjv]
Verse routeκαι ειπεν ταδε λεγει κυριος ποιησατε τον χειμαρρουν τουτον βοθυν ους βοθυν ους [lxx]

A ditch is a pit that is like a valley but smaller.

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This word for "ditches" is used in the LXX (Septuagint) in a reflexive and self-similar way (as in a fractal).

7. 2 Kings 3:16
   2 Kings 3:16 
KJV: And he said, Thus saith the LORD, Make this valley full of ditches.
Hebrew: ויאמר כה אמר יהוה עשה הנחל הזה גבים גבים׃
Greek: και ειπεν ταδε λεγει κυριος ποιησατε τον χειμαρρουν τουτον βοθυνους βοθυνους
Latin: haec dicit Dominus facite alveum torrentis huius fossas et fossas
Wycliffe: Make ye the wombe, ether depthe, of this stronde dichis and dichis.
Luther: Und er sprach: So spricht der Herr: Machet hie und da Graben an diesem Bach!

8. Repetition
Notice the repetition of the phrase for "ditch" in a self-similar way.

The Wycliffe and Luther, but not Tyndale, have the more modern convention of not using the same word repetitively, even if the original did use the same word.

Try the following with your favorite English teacher. See how many points are deducted for not following acceptable English rules of writing. This style was more common in ancient writing.

9. Strongs - ditch

10. Usage - ditch
*G999 *3 βόθυνος (both'-oo-nos) : akin to G900; a hole (in the ground); specially, a cistern:--ditch, pit.
Word usage per chapter Words: βοθυνον=3

11. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640