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Tracking down the scent of apostles and messages
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Tracking down the scent of apostles and messages
In tracking down the scent of apostles and messages one must determine what it means to be sent (scent).

The word "apostle" and "epistle" mean sending. The English word "angel" is another type of messenger.

2. Greek for apostle
The modern Greek word "αποστέλλω" (a-po-STEHL-lo) ≈ "send" is the source of the English word "apostle" as one who is sent. The word "Apostle" (upper case "A") is one of the apostles in the NT (New Testament).

3. Luke 1:26
   Luke 1:26 
KJV: And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth,
Greek: εν δε τω μηνι τω εκτω απεσταλη ο αγγελος γαβριηλ υπο απο του θεου εις πολιν της γαλιλαιας η ονομα ναζαρετ
Latin: in mense autem sexto missus est angelus Gabrihel a Deo in civitatem Galilaeae cui nomen Nazareth
Wessex: Missus est angelus gabriel á deo in ciuitatem galiléé. Soðlice on þam syxten monðe waes a-send gabriel se engel fram drihtene on galilëë cestre þare name waes nazareth.
Gothic: thanuh than in menoth saihstin insandiths was aggilus gabriel fram guda in baurg galeilaias sei haitada nazaraith,
Luther: Und im sechsten Mond ward der Engel Gabriel gesandt von Gott in eine Stadt in Galiläa, die heißt Nazareth,

4. Strongs

5. Greek for epistle

6. 2 Thessalonians 3:17
KJV: The salutation of Paul with mine own hand, which is the token in every epistle: so I write.
Greek: ο ασπασμος τη εμη χειρι παυλου ο εστιν σημειον εν παση επιστολη ουτως γραφω
Latin: salutatio mea manu Pauli quod est signum in omni epistula ita scribo

7. Strongs

8. Isaiah
Isaiah in the LXX (Septuagint) uses the word for sending a person, apostle, and a message, epistle, in the same verse. The epistle is the "vessel" that contains the message in "bulrushes" as papyrus (the Latin translation).

The second word for "messenger" is the word for "angel" (as a messenger).

9. Isaiah 18:2
   Isaiah 18:2 
KJV: That sendeth ambassadors by the sea, even in vessels of bulrushes upon the waters, saying, Go, ye swift messengers, to a nation scattered and peeled, to a people terrible from their beginning hitherto; a nation meted out and trodden down, whose land the rivers have spoiled!
Hebrew: השלח בים צירים ובכלי גמא על פני מים לכו מלאכים קלים אל גוי ממשך ומורט אל עם נורא מן הוא והלאה גוי קו קו ומבוסה אשר בזאו נהרים ארצו׃
Greek: ο αποστελλων εν θαλασση ομηρα και επιστολας βυβλινας επανω του υδατος πορευσονται γαρ αγγελοι κουφοι προς εθνος μετεωρον και ξενον λαον και χαλεπον τις αυτου επεκεινα εθνος ανελπιστον και καταπεπατημενον νυν οι ποταμοι της γης
Latin: qui mittit in mari legatos et in vasis papyri super aquas ite angeli veloces ad gentem convulsam et dilaceratam ad populum terribilem post quem non est alius gentem expectantem expectantem et conculcatam cuius diripuerunt flumina terram eius

10. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640