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City: Ephesus
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. City: Ephesus
Ephesus was a Greek city an the west coast of what is today Turkey. The Turkish name is "Efes".

Ephesus had a long history in Greek philosophy, science, mathematics, etc. Paul writes to Ephesus (and Timothy, bishop of Ephesus) using ideas that would resonate with them.

2. Ephesus
Ephesus was a Greek (i.e., pagan and worldly) city of Rome with origins in the Greek empire. As such, Ephesus represents many of the pagan and worldly ideas of today.

3. Amphitheater
The Ephesus amphitheater is on the slope of Panayir Hill, easily seen when entering Ephesus from the south.

It was constructed in the 3rd century BC. In Roman times, it was enlarged and has a capacity of 25,000 seats.

It was used for plays, concerts, discussions, gladiator and animal fights, etc.

4. Artemis
Artemis, daughter of Zeus, was goddess of wild animals, hunting, vegetation, chastity and childbirth.

The Roman name for Artemis was Diana.

5. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, built about 550 B.C.

Like the Parthenon, it had an architecture based on the golden rectangle (and Fibonacci numbers).

Information sign More: Fibonacci sequence and golden ratio

The temple of Artemis at Ephesus was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

6. Wonders of the ancient world
Here are the seven wonders of the ancient (Greco-Roman) world.

7. Wonders of the ancient world
Only the Great Pyramid of Giza is still standing. Others were destroyed by various events (earthquakes, etc.).

8. Paul and the Temple of Artemis
Paul visits the temple of Artemis during his time in Ephesus, recorded in the book of Acts.

9. History of Ephesus
Ephesus had a long history in Greek empires and Persian rule before becoming part of the Roman Empire.

Ephesus was a scientific, philosophical, military, cultural and commercial center of the ancient world, second only to Rome at the time.

Note: Rome was into engineering efficiency for it's political and military goals, but was not particularly interested in science, philosophy or culture not in line with politics and military conquest.

10. Harbor of Ephesus

The ancient harbor of Ephesus gradually filled up with silt and is today miles from the sea.

Much of the silt was a result of the cutting down of trees and other agricultural practices that led to erosion.

At least that is the story that everyone tells. It might be a different reason. What might that reason be?

11. Church at Ephesus

The church at Ephesus was founded by Paul.

12. Churches of Revelation
Ephesus is one of the seven churches in Revelation to which Jesus writes letters.

13. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640