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Whisper game
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Whisper game
Whisper chainThe "whisper game" is a way whereby a message is passed from person to person and tends to change with each retelling - especially when whispering where one cannot clearly hear what is being said.

Most cultures have some name for this type of game which is often popular with children - of all ages.

2. Exercise
Whisper chain Here is a "whisper chain" (from a t-shirt I saw in a store).

3. Telephone game
The "whisper game" is sometimes called the "telephone game".

Each culture appears to have their own name for this game.

4. Is it Emmanuel or Immanuel?
Verse routeMatthew 1:23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. [kjv]
Verse routeιδου η παρθενος εν γαστρι εξει και τεξεται υιον και καλεσουσιν το ονομα αυτου εμμανουηλ ο εστιν μεθερμηνευομενον μεθ ημων ο θεος [gnt]

Whisper chainEvery year at Christmas, one often hears verses read from Matthew or Isaiah that use the name "Emmanuel" or "Immanuel". Which is correct? What is the difference? Thus, the word "Emmanuel" is the result of transliterating Hebrew into Greek and then Greek into English. This is an example of the "whisper game" where minor changes to words add up over time to major changes.

Information sign More: Is it Emmanuel or Immanuel?

by RS : 1024 x 640