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Photos for 2024-01-21
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Photos for 2024-01-21
Snowman on Belaire Road Snowman on Belaire Road

Are you ready for snow to be gone? It just arrived recently. That's snow joke.

Are they "calling" for snow, as in "here snow, here snow, come here, ..."?

2. November 9, 1969
November 9, 1969: Christian Fellowship Night

How many names do you recognize from Christian Fellowship Night on November 9, 1969?

Some were new members of the church.

3. New members
New member certificate

4. Pete Snyder: Veteran

Melvin Pete Snyder (1938-2021) attended SPUM for many years and did many things in the community.

Pete was a U.S. Navy veteran from 1958-1962, serving as an Electronics Technician on the guided missile cruiser, USS Galveston.

He was a member of Abraham C. Treichler Lodge #682, Elizabethtown, Harrisburg Consistory, Zembo Shrine and National Sojourners.

One son, John, married Denise Rice and were missionaries to Russia for many years. He is currently a pastor out west.

5. Pete Snyder: Military banner
Military banner: Pete Snyder Military banner: Pete Snyder Military banner: Pete Snyder

The banner is located next to the Giant Food Store parking lot at about where the gas pumps are located. In the summer, trees tend to block the view from the Giant parking lot.

Information sign More: SPUM: John Snyder as missionary and pastor

6. Jack

7. Bulletin board: about 1983
Board news about 1980,

Kathryn Saylor

8. VBS sign-up: 1983
Kids from about 1980

9. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640