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Photos for 2024-09-08
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Sunday School picnic 2023

2. Sunday School picnic 2023
Sunday School picnic 2023

3. Sunday School picnic 2023

4. Sunday School picnic 2023
Sunday School picnic 2023

5. Funeral attendees
Roy and Jenene

6. Funeral attendees
Roy and Jenene

7. Picnic off Sycamore Drive
Map: Sycamore Drive

8. Picnic off Sycamore Drive
Map: Sycamore Drive

9. Veteran banners
Banner: Cyrus Oldweiler Banner: Cyrus Oldweiler College Avenue banner

10. All you need is LoVE TV
All you need is LoVE-TV Bible and secular values

The most interesting parts of a series on values (or lack of values) in classic TV shows is the following. These would be very subtle using what some would call mind control techniques from psychology.

11. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640