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Photos for 2024-11-10
1. Mr. Miller Service
2. Mr. Miller Service
3. Ben Spickler
Benjamin Franklin Spickler (July 6, 1941 - February 26, 2022, 80 years old)
He was preceded in death by his parents, Franklin S.
Spickler and Mary Ann (
Hertzler) Wanamaker; brother, Thomas Spickler.
4. Pete Snyder: Navy veteran
Melvin Pete Snyder (1938-2021) attended SPUM for many years and did many things in the community.
Pete was a U.S. Navy veteran from 1958-1962, serving as an Electronics Technician on the guided missile cruiser, USS Galveston.
He was a member of Abraham C. Treichler Lodge #682, Elizabethtown, Harrisburg Consistory, Zembo Shrine and National Sojourners.
One son, John, married Denise Rice and were missionaries to Russia for many years. He is currently a pastor out west.
5. Pete Snyder: Military banner
The banner is located next to the Giant Food Store parking lot at about where the gas pumps are located. In the summer, trees tend to block the view from the Giant parking lot.
6. Tunnel Cemetery banners
Two ways, one of life and one of death.
God's way.
Man's way (humanism, socialism, etc.)
7. Ken Fanus: Navy banner
8. Air force veterans
9. James Carl banner
The James Carl banner is across from the Giant and uphill from North-West Bank.
How do the Army, Navy and Air Force view the "
10. Civil war veteran: Cyrus Oldweiler
The name
Oldweiler appears to have been changed to
Oleweiler about the time of World War I.
11. College Avenue
12. Closer look an College Avenue
13. Closer look an College Avenue
14. Veteran Harry Reed
Veteran Harry Reed (1948-2006) served two tours in Vietnam.
Harry was president of the newly merged (1998) Wesley & Friendship classes for 7 years.
Born in Liverpool, OH
Air traffic controller at Harrisburg International Airport
Long time member of St. Paul's United Methodist Church
Wesley Friendship Sunday School class president
Usher, volunteer, trustee
Lions Club
[Story of Marietta air students getting tour of Harrisburg, 9/11 overview right after the event]
15. Banner for Donald R. Long
Looking towards the college.
16. Banner for Donald R. Long
17. Banner: Jay Greider
Bayonet wound before D-Day.
Supply chain at start of Korean War.
Easter Egg hunt at park (brown egg, plastic egg, dotted egg)
18. Banner: Jay Greider
19. West Point vs. Penn State: October 5, 1974
October 5, 1974: My hand was no longer in a cast. After watching a West Point parade on the Plain, the game soon started. Army scored two quick touchdowns before Jay got up the hill to the game, so he was worried a little. Penn State scored three touchdowns to win.
20. Veteran Lois Conley
Lois (Goodling) Conley. March 19, 1933 to February 14, 2024.
[Peter's wife, J. Vernon McGee commentaries]
21. Lois Conley banner
What is the vision statement of a Burger King church?
Have it your way.
22. Service helpers
23. SPUM: Ed Boll
Ed Boll (1924-2014) was a member of Saint Paul's for
80 years.
Fought in the Battle of the Bulge, recipient of two Purple Hearts.
Played semi-pro baseball, amateur photographer.
Elizabethtown High School and College.
39 years at Armstrong Industries as Chief Chemist.
Wife of 65 years, Minerva (Hess) Boll.
Two sons and daughter, active in youth fellowship.
Ran 9th to 12th grade Sunday School
24. Veterans
Al Kinard - late in Korean war, infantry, transportation and supply work.
Lee - Air Force, TV and radio
25. Marine veterans
The Tom Hoffman banner, Marines, with photo, is outside the Post Office, not inside the Post Office.
A traditional United States Marine Corps (founded November 10, 1775) motto is, "
The few, the proud, the Marines". The Latin word
"semper" ≈ "always" as in "
semper fidelis" as "
always faithful" as in the motto of the United States Marines.
26. Wayne Blecher banner
27. End of page