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SPUM: Ed Boll
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. SPUM: Ed Boll
Name: Ed Boll Purple Heart medal Purple Heart medal
Ed Boll (1924-2014) was a member of Saint Paul's for 80 years.

2. SPUM: 1952 Mens class
St. Paul's EUB Men's Class in 1952
The location is the sanctuary of the old EUB (Evangelical United Brethren) church building on High Street.

How many of these men can be identified?

Information sign More: SPUM: 1952 Mens class

3. Middle center

4. St. Paul's committee

Can we identify these people?

Information sign More: St. Paul's committee

5. Center
2. (0,1)

6. Denny
Name: Ed Boll Purple Heart medal Purple Heart medal

7. Semi-pro baseball
Ed Boll (1924-2014) was a member of Saint Paul's for 80 years.
Name: Ed Boll Book: The House of David Baseball Team
Ed Boll once got to play the House of David baseball team (somewhat like the Harlem Globetrotters of the day) and got a hit!

Information sign More: House of David baseball team

8. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640