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House of David baseball team
1. House of David baseball team

The House of David baseball team began playing in 1903 as a barnstorming team and were somewhat like the Harlem Globetrotters of basketball fame. They continued until 1950.

The House of David baseball team, Jewish and bearded, traveled around playing and entertaining to raise money for their causes, one of which was a homeland in the area of Palestine.
2. House of David baseball team
At times, some famous players donned fake beards and played with the House of David Baseball team.
What did Babe Ruth say when pointed out that he made more money than the President Hoover?
I had a better year than he did. (after the Great Depression of 1929)
3. Semi-pro baseball
Ed Boll (1924-2014) was a member of Saint Paul's for
80 years.
Fought in the Battle of the Bulge, recipient of two Purple Hearts.
Played semi-pro baseball, amateur photographer.
39 years at Armstrong Industries as Chief Chemist.
Wife of 65 years, Minerva (Hess) Boll.
Ed Boll once got to play the House of David baseball team (somewhat like the Harlem Globetrotters of the day) and got a hit!
4. Klein Chocolate
The Klein Chocolate company had a baseball team in the 1910's and 1920's.
On September 25 & 26, 1919, The Boston Red Sox were traveling from their game against Yankees in NY to Washington D.C. for a Sept 27 match against the Washington Senators. The Red Sox stopped in this area to play two exhibition games against Klein Chocolate; first in Lancaster, on September 25 and then in Harrisburg on the following day. Klein Chocolatiers won the first game 4-0 but lost the second 3-1.
Facebook (as of 2023-03-24)
5. Babe Ruth and Klein's
In 1919, Babe Ruth was pitching for the Boston Red Sox. While the Elizabethtown Klein Chocolatiers were only a first-season semi-pro team, it was common for the American League (AL) teams to play exhibition matches between their scheduled AL games. The teams traveled by railroad, so it often worked out well for them to stop and play in Lancaster, Elizabethtown, and Harrisburg. Facebook (as of 2023-03-24)
6. Babe Ruth and Klein's
Babe Ruth was a huge draw for fans, but he failed to hit a homer off the Klein Chocolate team. So, the Babe played against Elizabethtown, and our team held up pretty well! However, as far as we can find, Babe Ruth never played a game IN Elizabethtown.
Facebook (as of 2023-03-24)
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