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Computer science
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Computer science

2. Computer science
Book: Art of computer programmingDonald Knuth (American computer scientist, creator of TeX formatter) defines computer science as the study of algorithms.

Knuth is the author of the series "The Art of Computer Programming" (1968), creator of TeX computer typesetting system, and advocate of literate programming.

Information sign More: Donald Knuth

3. Code and data
Book: Algorithms + Data Structures = ProgramsWirth defines programs as composed of data structures and algorithms (Wirth, 1975, Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs) Code can be data and data can be code. Von Neumann first recognized this principle.

Information sign More: Niklaus Wirth

4. Code and data
John von Neumann had the brilliant insight that data could be code and code could be data. Today, that computing paradigm, used by all conventional computers, is called a Von Neumann architecture based on a 1945 description by Von Neumann.

Information sign More: John von Neumann

5. Compilers
Compilers treat programs as data input and generate data output as programs.

6. Kowalski: Algorithm = Logic + Control
Article: Algorithm = Logic + Control Book: Computational Logic and Human Thinking Book: Logic for problem solving

Kowalski (Logic Programming) separates algorithms (ways to do things) into logic and control components. (Kowalski, ref needed).

Algorithm = Logic + Control:

7. Declarative systems

8. Computer science
The essence of computer science is the search for finite representations of potentially infinite objects.

9. Finite representations of infinite objects

 1   2   3   4   5   +   -   ▶ 
Computer/Information science can be defined as the search for finite representations of (potentially) infinite objects.
Recognizing patterns and effectively and efficiently using such patterns is an important part of computer science.

Is this possible? Does it make sense?

Information sign More: Finite representations of infinite objects

10. Towers of Hanoi
Towers of HanoiThe Towers of Hanoi problem is a simple problem whose solution is intractable. A tower of 3 is a simple exercise.

Change the 3 to 80 and the program will not finish even in 15,000,000,000 (15 billion) years!
The eager solution in Python would never finish. The lazy program would continue to return results as called for the next value.

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11. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640