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Uncle Don Long
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Uncle Don Long
, Donald Long Donnie and Elsie Donald R. Long World War II patches World War II medals

Donald R. Long (Uncle Donny) was in World War II in the European Theater in France and Germany late in the war. The 71st Infantry Division and XX Corps were under Lt. General George S. Patton's 3rd Army. William Westmoreland was a colonel in the division.

The date on the other side of the photo postcard on the right is written as "Nov 29, 1945" and mailed from Strassberg.

After the war, he married Elsie Long who taught "Good News Club" for many years.

2. Patches and medals
World War II patches World War II medals
  • 71 Infantry Division
  • XX Army Corps
  • ribbons
  • Good Conduct medal
  • Victory medal
  • My uncle Donny was in World War II in the European Theater in France and Germany late in the war.
    The 71st Infantry Division was assigned to XX Corps an April 20, 1945.
    He saw limited combat action, but had unforgettable memories, of which he rarely spoke.

    3. Donny
    , ,

    4. 71st Infantry Division
    71st Infantry Division patch71st Infantry Division details from Wikipedia: (as of 2022-11-05)
    One commander: Col. William Westmoreland (February-June 1946) who would be a top commander in the Vietnam War.
    One officer: Lt. John D. Eisenhower, General Dwight Eisenhower's son.

    5. Liberation
    The seventy-first came... The seventy-first came ... illustration
    Uncle Donny saw limited combat action, but had unforgettable memories, of which he rarely spoke.
    71st Infantry Division: Participated in the liberation of concentration camps including one in Austria called Gunskirchen Lager, a subcamp of Mauthausen, on 4 May. A pamphlet was produced by the US Army after they liberated the camp, called "The Seventy-First came to Gunskirchen Lager". The book recounts in detail, and with graphic photos, the tragedy they found in the camp. Wikipedia: (as of 2022-11-05)

    6. Russian soldiers
    , , ,

    How did uncle Donny take photos of the Americans and Russians together?

    Wikipedia provides an answer: ... The 71st organized and occupied defensive positions along the Enns River and contacted Russian forces east of Linz, 8 May, the day before hostilities ceased, having gone further east than any other U.S. Army unit. … (as of 2022-11-05)

    7. The belt buckle
    , The seventy-first came... Donnie and Elsie Donald R. Long German belt buckle

    In high school, Uncle Donny gave me a German belt buckle from his service in World War II. The Nazi swastika is surrounded by the words "Gott mit uns", or "God with us", from the Luther Bible 400 years earlier. The verse is often read at Christmas.
    Coin with In God We Trust
    Preserve me, O God: for in thee do I put my trust. Psalms 16:1
    Discuss: What does it mean to put "In God we trust" on currency?

    The Waffen SS used the motto "Meine Ehre heißt Treue" meaning "My honor is loyalty".

    Information sign More: Abraham Lincoln
    Information sign More: Romans 8: Battle cry separation for the love of Christ (part 1)
    Information sign More: Gott mit uns

    8. Eisenhower
    The 71st Division is also the formation in which Lt. John D. Eisenhower, General Dwight Eisenhower's son, served. Wikipedia (as of 2022-11-05)

    9. Westmoreland
    In January 1946, Colonel William Westmoreland was appointed commander, and was responsible for leading the units that had not yet been deactivated back to the United States so they could be demobilized. Wikipedia (as of 2022-11-05)

    10. Casualties

    71st Infantry Division casualties from Wikipedia: (as of 2022-11-05)

    11. 71st Infantry Division in World War II
    71 Infantry Division Europe

    12. Banner for Donald R. Long
    Banner for Donald R. Long Banner for Donald R. Long

    Here are some photos of the banner for Donald R. Long. It is at the intersection of College Avenue and Cherry Alley.

    These photos are looking towards the end of College Avenue at South Market Street and the beginning of West Bainbridge Street.

    13. Banner for Donald R. Long
    Banner for Donald R. Long Banner for Donald R. Long

    Looking towards the church (on the right, not visible).

    14. Banner for Donald R. Long
    Banner for Donald R. Long

    Looking towards the wooded area.

    15. Banner for Donald R. Long
    Banner for Donald R. Long Banner for Donald R. Long Banner for Donald R. Long

    Looking towards the college.

    16. Banner for Donald R. Long

    17. End of page

    by RS : 1024 x 640