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Puzzles: Thinking outside the box
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Puzzles: Thinking outside the box

2. Think outside the box
Think outside the box Outside the box God inside the universe God outside the universe Information and science

Not everyone sees the same reality in the same way. Does it bother you to not have things inside the box? How about paper without lines?

3. The light switch problem
Light switchesYou are standing outside of a sealed room (you cannot see inside it in any way). There are three light switches on the wall, one of which controls a light bulb inside the room. Explain how you would manipulate the switches to determine which one controls the bulb. You are only allowed to enter the room one time.

How can you solve the problem? What assumptions do you need to make. Consider thinking "outside the box".

4. Hint
As soon as you discover that you cannot solve the problem using just the switches and the results, one needs to look for a way to get additional information.

In particular, one binary (yes-no) decision is not sufficient. Two binary (yes-no) decisions are needed so a way to find additional information is needed.

In the security field, this additional information is called a side channel. Side channels can be used to break the security of systems but need to be accounted for when protecting systems from compromise.

5. Nine dot puzzle
You are given nine (9) dots, here labeled "1" through "9". Nine dotsYou are to connect the nine dots using four straight lines.

6. Using five straight lines
Nine dots - 5 lines
Here is one way using five straight lines, starting at dot "1".

Now do it with four straight lines.

7. Using four straight lines
Nine dots - 5 lines
Here is one way using four straight lines, starting at dot "1".

Now do it with three straight lines.

8. Using three straight lines
Here is one way using three straight lines. Nine dots with three lines
Note: This cannot be done (in Euclidean geometry) unless one lets "points" have a non-zero size.

9. Nine dot puzzle
Nine dotsYou are given nine (9) dots, here labeled "1" through "9". You are to connect the nine dots using as few straight lines as possible.

10. Puzzle: fixing alignment issues
Pictures on a wall - before
Sometimes thinking outside of the box is not appreciated. What might appear wrong with the pictures on a wall? How might you resolve the issue? (that the pictures are not all aligned)

Note: To promote diversity, the following groups are represented: green, blue and purple people. I hope that none of those groups are offended.

11. One way to resolve the issue
Pictures on a wall - after one way
Here is one way to align the pictures.

For some reason, this solution is not often appreciated.

12. Another way to resolve the issue
Pictures on a wall - after one way
Here is another way to align the pictures.

Again, this solution is not often appreciated. There are other ways to resolve the issue that may not be appreciated, but I think you get the idea.

13. Another way to resolve the issue
Pictures on a wall - after another way
Finally, here is another way to resolve the issue. For some reason, this way is more appreciated than the previous ways.

Observation: There may be more than one way to look at a problem. (sheep, etc.)

14. Puzzle: Fixing alignment issues

15. Play nice but stay in the sandbox
When someone says to "think outside the box" they usually mean to "stay within their box".

Play nice but stay in the sandbox!


16. Related content

17. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640