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Illusion collections
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Illusion collections
Here is a place for interesting illusions.

2. Circle ball illusion
Circle ball illusion
Here is the circle ball illusion based on the YouTube video at (as of 2023-04-06)

It took 30 minutes to program the basic animation (using my system for programming graphics using PostScript with Lua and Python formatting support). It took another 30 minutes to adjust the code and make the animation more smooth.

It is not as smooth as might be desired, but shows the effect.

3. Penrose steps: how it is done

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The Penrose never-ending steps illusion, also called the stairs illusion, cannot exist in reality as depicted.

These steps were made famous by M. C. Escher (graphic artist) as elaborations on the theme. Steps, rivers, etc., do not go/flow uphill.

How is the Penrose steps illusion created?

Information sign More: Penrose steps: how it is done

4. Inerrancy progression

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Two people can see the same thing in different ways. Sometimes both are true in some sense.

Jesus say he is the way, truth (reality) and the life.

Information sign More: An errant look at Biblical inerrancy and infallibility

by RS : 1024 x 640