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The number eleven
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. The number eleven

2. Eleven
The Old English word "enleofan""eleven" comes from "one" and "left". That is, there are two left when ten is taken away. The English word "twelve" is related to the German word "elf""eleven".

3. Matthew 20:9
   Matthew 20:9 
KJV: And when they came that were hired about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny.
Greek: και ελθοντες δε οι περι την ενδεκατην ωραν ελαβον ανα δηναριον
Latin: cum venissent ergo qui circa undecimam horam venerant acceperunt singulos denarios
Wessex: Eornestlice þa ða ge-comen þa ymbe þa aendlyften tide comen. þa onfengen hi aelch hys panig.
Wycliffe: And so whanne thei weren comun, that camen aboute the elleuenthe our, also thei token eueryche of hem a peny.
Tyndale: And they whiche were hyred aboute the eleventhe houre came and receaved every man a peny.
Luther: Da kamen, die um die elfte Stunde gedinget waren, und empfing ein jeglicher seinen Groschen.
Slavonic: И пришедше иже во единыйнадесять час, прияша по пенязю.
Russian: И пришедшие около одиннадцатого часа получили по динарию.
Spanish: Y viniendo los que habían ido cerca de la hora undécima, recibieron cada uno un denario.

4. Matthew 28:16
KJV: Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them.
Greek: οι δε ενδεκα μαθηται επορευθησαν εις την γαλιλαιαν εις το ορος ου εταξατο αυτοις ο ιησους
Latin: undecim autem discipuli abierunt in Galilaeam in montem ubi constituerat illis Iesus
Wycliffe: And the enleuen disciplis wenten in to Galilee, in to an hille, where Jhesus hadde ordeyned to hem.
Luther: Aber die elf Jünger gingen nach Galiläa auf einen Berg, dahin Jesus sie beschieden hatte.
Slavonic: Единии же надесяте ученицы идоша в Галилею, в гору, аможе повеле им Иисус:
Russian: Одиннадцать же учеников пошли в Галилею, на гору, куда повелел им Иисус,
Spanish: Entonces los once discípulos se fueron a Galilea, al monte donde Jesús les había ordenado.

by RS : 1024 x 640